Check online Lahore To Jhelum Train Timing 2025 from here. Here all trains from Lahore to Jhelum schedule are available. Jhelum, Pakistan, is home to the Jhelum Railway station. 25 trains run from Jhelum station to various locations around the nation. The 102dn Subak Raftar, 103up Subak Kharam, 104dn Subak Kharam, 117up Pindi Express, 118dn Pindi Express, 11up Hazara Express, 12dn Hazara Express, 13up Awam Express, and 14dn Awam Express are some of the well-known trains that operate from the station.
Pakistan Railways is in charge of all these trains. Check daily departure and arrival of trains at Lahore & Jhelum railway stations. Below are included the train numbers, timetable, route, and real-time live status.
Lahore To Jhelum Train Timing
Awam Express
Jaffar Express
Khyber Mail
Subak Raftar
Tezgam Express
Jaffar Express Timings Lahore To Jhelum
The Jaffar Express departs from Gujrat Railway Station at 1:50 PM. It is scheduled to arrive at Lahore Railway Station at 4:45 PM. The total travel time for the Jaffar Express is 2 hours and 55 minutes. This train provides a convenient and timely connection between Gujrat and Lahore, making it a popular choice for passengers traveling between these two cities.
Khyber Mail Timings Lahore To Jhelum
The departure time for the Khyber Mail Express train from Gujrat Railway station is 5:00 AM. The arrival time for Khyber mail at Lahore railway station is 8:00 AM. The train takes 3 hours to travel from Lahore to Jhelum.
Subak Raftar Timings Lahore To Jhelum
The Subak Raftar time departure time from Jhelum station is 9:00 AM. The arrival time at Lahore railway station is 11:55 AM. The Subak Raftar takes 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete its journey.
Jhelum To Lahore Train Departure Arrival Timings:
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 6:20 AM | 10:00 AM |
Tezgam | 1:15 PM | 4:14 PM |
Subak Raftar | 7:05 AM | 9:45 AM |
Subak Kharam | 4:35 PM | 7:12 PM |
Khyber Mail | 7:40 PM | 11:10 PM |
Jaffar Express | 8:25 AM | 11:47 AM |
Awam Express Departure Arrival Time
The departure time for Awam Express from Jhelum railway station is 6:20 AM. The Awam Express reached Lahore Railway Station at 10:00 AM.
Tezgam Train Departure Arrival Time
The departure time for Tezgam from Jhelum railway station is 13:15. The Tezgam reached Lahore Railway Station at 16:10.
Subak Raftar Train Departure Arrival Time
The departure time for the Subak Raftar train from Jhelum railway station is 07:05 AM. The Subak Raftar Express reached Lahore Railway Station at 09:45 AM.
Railway Contact Details
Postal Address | Iqbal Road, Committee Chowk, Rawalpindi |
Phone Number | +92519218515 |
Website | |