Here in this article, all the details related to Lahore To Sukkur Train Ticket Price for the year 2025 are available. Numerous trains travel from Lahore To Sukkur. Among all these trains the most famous train is Sukkur Express.
One of the oldest trains that transports people from Karachi to Jacobabad is the Sukkur Express Train. It is one of Pakistan Railways’ most popular train services due to its late departure times and reasonable pricing. If you are planning to travel from Lahore to Sukkur by train, the Sukkur Express train is the best way to enjoy the journey.
Sukkur Express was the name of the train when it exclusively carried passengers between Karachi and Sukkur in its early years. Later, the route was extended to Jacobabad, connecting more towns along the way.
Lahore To Sukkur Train Ticket Price
Before that, the Sukkur Express offered accommodations in the Economy, AC Lower, AC Standard, and AC Sleeper classes. Later, however, only AC Standard and Economy accommodations were offered, for which the following ticket costs apply:
- The cost of Ac standard for Sukkur express is rupees 1850.
- The economy berth costs rupees 1350 for Sukkur Express.
- The Ac sleeper fare for the Sukkur Express train from Lahore to Sukkur is 2260 rupees.
- The Sukkur Express economy class fare is rupees 950 from Lahore to Sukkur.

Trains Names:
- Akbar Express
- Jaffar Express
- Sukkur Express
Lahore To Sukkur Trains Schedule & Ticket Price
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Destination Arrival Time |
Akbar Express | 5:00 PM | Rs. 970 | N/a | Rs. 1,570 | N/a | 6:45 AM |
Jaffar Express | 2:40 PM | Rs. 1,310 | Rs. 2,670 | Rs. 3,770 | Rs. 2,960 | 3:45 AM |
Jaffar Express Lahore to Sukkur Fare
The cost of a ticket for the Jaffar Express train in the air-conditioned lower class from Lahore to Sukkur is 2,670 rupees. If you want to travel in the air-conditioned business class on the Sukkur Express train for the same route, the ticket will cost you 2,960 rupees.