Check details for Two Days Salaries Of FG Employees Deduction For PM Flood Relief Fund from here. On September 29, 2022, the Finance Division (Regulation Wing) of the Government of Pakistan published a Notification on the deduction of two days’ wages from FG employees for the PM Flood Relief Fund. The details are under
Withholding of two days’ wages from FG employees for PM FRF
The undersigned is required to certify that the flood brought on by the monsoon rains that have been falling since mid-June 2022 has resulted in significant losses of livestock and people, as well as extensive damage to both private residences and public infrastructure. The humanitarian situation has gotten worse as a result of infrastructure damage. The Finance Division established a fund called the “Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund 2022” as part of the overall national effort to meet the challenge of providing relief and rehabilitation to the affected population. It also proposed salary deductions from government workers for the Federal Cabinet’s approval.
Cabinet Decision on Deduction For Two Days Salaries Of FG Employees Deduction For PM Flood Relief Fund
The Cabinet considered the proposal and approved the deduction as follows:
Two-day salary for civil servants/officers working in ministries/departments/divisions/institutions/enterprises/enterprises/financial institutions/committees, etc. working under the federal government.
2 The daily wages of officers, civilian officers, civilian officers and civil servants shall be paid from the National Defence Estimate.
Two-day pay for officers/personnel holding posts on a contractual basis and a flat salary package that includes the ‘M’ scale and the ‘MP’ and SPPS scales, as well as locally recruited officers/personnel on overseas missions.
In addition, ministries/departments should contact subordinate government organisations such as banks, financial institutions, regulators, telecommunications companies, insurance companies, and other similar organisations for donations.
Deduction of wages and optional / voluntary allowances
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Since the wages earned by government employees are private property, the above deduction will be optional/voluntary in nature and anyone who does not wish to contribute may give notice within 15 days of notification. Notify AGPR, Islamabad/pre-audit respectively.
All proceeds on behalf of the Foundation are credited to the Federal Government Public Account under the following account title:
G12 – Special Trust Fund
G121 – Relief Fund’
G12164 – Premier 2022 Flood Relief Fund