Check online Lahore to Hyderabad Train Ticket Price from here. Here all Trains Departure Time are also available. The total distance from Lahore to Hyderabad is 900 kilometers. You can travel this distance comfortably by taking a train. Pakistan Railway has different train services available for this trip. These trains make it easy for people to travel between these two cities without much hassle.
Lahore to Hyderabad Train Ticket Price:
The fare rate for each train is mentioned below.
- Fair rates for Allama Iqbal and Awam Express is Rs 1,070.
- Tezgam and Shalimar train ticket pric is Rs 1,110 and Rs 1,310.
- For Pak business and Khyber mail, the fare is Rs 2,910 and Rs 2,680.
- Karakoram Express and Karachi Express train ticket price is Rs 1,680 and Rs 1,440.
- Green Line train offers its business class for Rs 5,320.
- Khyber Mail economy class fare is rupees 2250 from Lahore to Hyderabad.
- The Shah Hussain Express Ac sleeper class costs rupees 7850 from Hyderabad to Lahore.
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Allama Iqbal Express | 2250/- | 2350/- | — | — | — |
Awam Express | 2250/- | 2350/- | — | 4200/- | — |
Green Line | 2850/- | 2950/- | 7000/- | — | — |
Jinnah Express | 2300/- | 2400/- | 4900/- | — | — |
Karachi Express | 2900/- | 2900/- | 5800/- | 4700/- | 7950/- |
Karakoram Express | 2900/- | 2900/- | 6350/- | 4600/- | — |
Khyber Mail | 2250/- | 2450/- | 5450/- | 4200/- | 7500/- |
Shah Hussain Exp | 2900/- | 3000/- | 6150/- | 4400/- | 7850/- |
Pak Business Exp | 2900/- | 3000/- | 5700/- | 4400/- | 7750/- |
Shalimar Express | 2900/- | 3000/- | 6150/- | 4400/- | 7850/- |
Tezgam | 2900/- | 3000/- | 5700/- | 4400/- | 7750/- |
Lahore to Hyderabad Trains Name:
Few trains take passengers to Hyderabad from Lahore. This includes Allama Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Tezgam, Shalimar Express, Pak Business Express, Khyber Mail, Karakoram Express, Karachi Express and Green Line. Passengers can enjoy their journey to Hyderabad by above mentioned trains. These trains offer four different types of seats, economy class, AC lower, AC sleeper, and AC business class.

Also Check Green Line Train Ticket Price
Lahore to Hyderabad Train Timings 2024:
Trains Departure Time
Allama Iqbal Express. 12:00 PM
Awam Express. 6:55 PM
Tezgam. 1:50 PM
Shalimar. 6:00 AM
Pak business. 3:30 PM
Khyber Mail. 7:50 AM
Karakoram Express. 4:00 PM
Karachi Express. 5:00 PM
Green Line. 8:30 PM
How To Book Ticket Online For Lahore to Hyderabad?
Tickets can be booked at the station, passengers can get their desired train tickets from the Reservation Office at Lahore & Hyderabad Railway Station.
Railway Contact Details
Postal Address | Iqbal Road, Committee Chowk, Rawalpindi |
Phone Number | +92519218515 |
Website | |