In this post all the details related to the Sahiwal to Peshawar Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. Awam Express, Khyber Mail & Jaffar Express run from Sahiwal to Peshawar daily. All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.
Sahiwal to Peshawar Train Timing
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 2:40 AM | 4:20 PM |
Khyber Mail | 4:05 PM | 5:06 AM |
Jaffar Express | 4:52 AM | 5:45 PM |
Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Fares (AC Business) |
Awam Express | Rs. 1690 | Rs. 1,930 | Rs. 3,250 | Rs. 2450 | Rs. 2750 |
Khyber Mail | Rs. 1690 | Rs. 1,935 | Rs. 3,150 | Rs. 2,330 | Rs. 2,630 |
Jaffar Express | Rs. 1,630 | Rs. 19,20 | Rs. 3,250 | Rs. 2,540 | Rs. 2,640 |
1. What time does the Awam Express leave?
- The Awam Express departs at 2:40 AM.
2. How much is an economy class ticket on the Awam Express?
- An economy class ticket on the Awam Express costs Rs. 690.
3. Are AC Sleeper and AC Business class tickets available on the Awam Express?
- No, the Awam Express does not offer AC Sleeper or AC Business class tickets.
4. When does the Awam Express arrive at its destination?
- The Awam Express arrives at 4:20 PM.
5. What is the departure time for the Khyber Mail?
- The Khyber Mail departs at 4:05 PM.
6. How much does an AC Sleeper ticket cost on the Khyber Mail?
- An AC Sleeper ticket on the Khyber Mail costs Rs. 3,050.
7. What is the arrival time for the Jaffar Express?
- The Jaffar Express arrives at 5:45 PM.
8. What are the fares for an economy class ticket on the Jaffar Express?
- An economy class ticket on the Jaffar Express costs Rs. 1,030.