Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timings 2025

Check the online Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timings for the year 2025 from here. Are you planning to travel from Lahore To Chichawatni by train. Then stay connected with us. Here all the details related to Train timing as well as fare of the trains that travel from Lahore To Chichawatni.

Lahore Chichawatni Train Names

Currently, there are five express passenger trains that run between Chichawatni and Lahore every day. All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway. The names of these trains are Allam Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Jaffar Express, Khyber Mail, and Tezgam Express.

Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timings

Train NameDeparture TimeDestination Arrival Time
Allama Iqbal Express12:00 PM3:45 PM
Awam Express6:55 PM10:35 PM
Tezgam1:50 PM5:13 PM
Khyber Mail7:50 AM11:46 AM
Jaffar Express2:40 PM6:04 PM

Lahore To Chichawatni Train Ticket Price

Train NameFares (Economy)Fares (AC Lower)Fares (AC Sleeper)Fares (AC Business)
Allama Iqbal ExpressRs. 600N/aN/aRs. 2200
Awam ExpressRs. 600Rs. 610N/aN/a
TezgamRs. 610Rs. 650Rs. 1,200Rs. 870
Khyber MailRs. 600Rs. 610Rs. 1,200Rs. 820
Jaffar ExpressRs. 620Rs. 760Rs. 1,200Rs. 970

Allama Iqbal Express Ticket Price Lahore To Chichawatni

The Allama Iqbal Express fare for Economy class is rupees 600 from Lahore To Chichawatni.  Whereas Ac business class ticket price is rupees 2200 from Lahore To Chichawatni.

Tezgam Express Ticket Price Lahore To Chichawatni

The Tezgam express fare for economy seat is rupees 610. The Ac lower price of Tezgam express costs rupees 650 from Lahore To Chichawatni. If you wants to travel in Ac business class of Tezgam. Then you have to pay 1200 rupees.

Khyber Mail Fare

The Khyber Mail offers a range of affordable fares to suit different travel preferences. The Economy class ticket is priced at Rs. 600, providing a budget-friendly option for passengers. For those seeking additional comfort, the A.C Lower class is available for Rs. 610, while the A.C Sleeper, offering a more luxurious experience, costs Rs. 1,200. For travelers preferring a balance between comfort and affordability, the A.C Business class fare is set at Rs. 820. These fare options make Khyber Mail a convenient choice for long-distance travel in Pakistan.

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Lahore To Chichawatni Train Timings 2024

Pakistan Railway Contact Details

Company Name
Pakistan Railway
Contact Number021-99213567
Address4th Floor, Block D Pak. Secretariat · Islamabad

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