Check the online Multan To Lahore Trains Timings from here. Here Multan To Lahore Trains ticket price 2024 are also available. A total of 10 express trains currently run between Lahore and Multan every day. Rainy season for all trains from Lahore to Multan according to Pakistan Railways latest timetable. The name comes from the train that runs between Multan To Lahore. Awam Express, Badar Express, Jaffar Express, Karachi Express, Khyber Mail, Musa Pak Express, Pak Business Express, Shah Hussain Express, Shalimar Express, Tezgam Express.
Multan To Lahore Trains
The trains offer AC Economy seat Economy berth Air conditioner Business air conditioner Standard air conditioner class in its seats and birth with sleeping arrangements. It also provides good catering services. Its food and catering environment is purely hygienic.
Trains Timings Fare
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Travel Duration |
Awam Express | 06:54 PM | Rs. 470 | Rs. 960 | N/a | N/a | 6 hrs 10 min |
Jaffar Express | 02:45 PM | Rs. 670 | Rs. 1,190 | Rs. 1,870 | Rs. 1,520 | 5 hrs 15 min |
Karachi Express | 05:05 PM | Rs. 610 | Rs. 1,040 | Rs. 2,060 | Rs. 1,560 | 4 hrs 55 min |
Shalimar Express | 06:05 AM | Rs. 560 | Rs. 990 | N/a | Rs. 1,370 | 5 hrs 00 min |
Tezgam | 01:55 PM | Rs. 490 | Rs. 1,000 | Rs. 1,870 | N/a | 5 hrs 25 min |
Multan Express | 11:50 PM | Rs. 490 | Rs. 700 | N/a | Rs. 890 | 4 hrs 55 min |
Musa Pak Express | 04:05 PM | Rs. 490 | Rs. 730 | N/a | Rs. 880 | 5 hrs 15 min |
Khyber Mail | 07:55 AM | Rs. 490 | Rs. 990 | Rs. 1,870 | Rs. 1,295 | 6 hrs 15 min |
Awam Express
Jaffar Express
Karachi Express
The Karachi Express train leaves from Multan railway station at 5:05 in the evening. If you want to travel in the AC Lower class from Multan to Lahore, the ticket will cost you 1040 rupees. For a more comfortable journey in the AC Sleeper class from Multan to Lahore, the ticket price is 2060 rupees.
Railway Contact Details
- Pakistan Railway Website:
- Postal Address: 4th Floor, Block D Pak. Secretariat ยท Islamabad
- Contact Number: 0092519218515