Check all the Okara to Bahawalpur Train Ticket Fare details from here. Here train Timing and online Booking details are available. The total distance between Okara and Bahawalpur is 282 kilometers. Numerous trains travel from Okara to Bahawalpur daily. All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.
The Okara Railway Station has a storied history that dates back to the British colonial era when the railway network was first introduced in the Indian subcontinent. The station has witnessed the passage of time, witnessing the ebb and flow of travelers, goods, and stories. Today, it stands as a witness to the transformations the region has undergone.

Okara to Bahawalpur Train Ticket Fare
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 1500/- | 1550/- | — | 1650/- | — |
Allama Iqbal Express | 1700/- | 1850/- | — | — | — |
Jaffar Express | 2100/- | 2150/- | 2250/- | 1950/- | 2850/- |
Khyber Mail | 1800/- | 1850/- | 1900/- | 1350/- | 2700/- |
Tezgam | 2100/- | 2150/- | 2250/- | 1950/- | 2850/- |
Pakistan Railway Fare From Okara to Bahawalpur
The Awam express fare for an economy seat is Rupees 1500 from Okara To Bahawalpur. The fare for AC Standard class for Awam Express from Bahawalpur to Okara is rupees 1650.
The Allama Iqbal Express fare for an economy seat is rupees 1700. While the fare economy birth class from Okara To Bahawalpur is 1850 rupees.