Okara To Attock Train Ticket Price Schedule & Online Booking

Here all the details are available for Okara To Attock Train Ticket Price. Check the train Schedule and Online Booking for 2024 from here. The total distance between Okara and Attock city is 456 Kilometers. Numerous passengers travel from Okara to Attock daily. There are two ways to travel between Attock & Okara. The first one is by Train. The second one to travel between Okara and Attock City is by bus or car.

In this information, we offer comprehensive details regarding the prices of train tickets for the Okara to Attock route, along with the schedule of trains. The responsibility of overseeing the trains that operate from Okara to Attock lies with Pakistan Railways.

The above-mentioned trains have AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower, and A.C Sleeper Class. Check fare karya for AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower, and A.C Sleeper from here.

Okara To Attock Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Awam Express2250/-2350/-2800/-
Jaffar Express2500/-2600/-3800/-3250/-5300/-
Khyber Mail2250/-3350/-4100/-3100/-4800/-

Awam Express

The Awam express economy seat fare from Attock to Okara is Rupees 2250. Whereas the economy birth fare for Awam Express is Rupees 2350. The fare for Ac Standard from Okara to Attock for Awam Express is Rupees 2800.

Jaffar Express

The Jaffar express economy seat fare from Attock to Okara is Rupees 2500. Whereas the economy birth fare for Awam Express is Rupees 2600. The fare for Ac Standard from Okara to Attock for Jaffar Express is Rupees 3250. The fare for Ac Sleeper is 5300 rupees.

Khyber Mail

The Khyber Mail Ac sleeper class fare from Okara to Attock is 4800 Rupees. Whereas Ac Business class cost Rupees 4100 Rupees. The economy seat cost rupees 2250 while traveling from Attock to Okara.

Okara To Attock Train Ticket Price Schedule & Online Booking

Okara To Attock Train Timing / Schedule

Train NameDeparture TimeDestination Arrival Time
Awam Express3:10 AM2:30 PM
Khyber Mail4:32 PM3:18 AM
Jaffar Express5:20 AM3:48 PM

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