Check all the details about Bahawalpur To Okara Train Timing & Ticket Price for the year 2024 from this page. Taking a train is a great and budget-friendly way to discover various cities in Pakistan. If you’re thinking of going from Bahawalpur to Okara in 2024, it’s important to be aware of the train schedules and ticket costs. Check out this handy guide to make your travel planning a breeze.
Bahawalpur To Okara Train Timing
Allama Iqbal Express
- Departure Time: 2:10 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 7:35 AM
Awam Express
- Departure Time: 9:50 PM
- Destination Arrival Time: 3:10 AM
Bahawalpur To Okara Train Timing Tezgam
- Departure Time: 5:25 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 10:10 AM
Khyber Mail
- Departure Time: 11:15 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 4:30 PM
Bahawalpur To Okara Train Timing Jaffar Express
- Departure Time: 12:35 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 5:25 AM
Bahawalpur To Okara Train Ticket Price
Allama Iqbal Express
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1100/-
Awam Express
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1100/-
- A.C Standard: 1350/-
Jaffar Express
- Economy Seat: 1450/-
- Economy Berth: 1550/-
- A.C Business: 2950/-
- A.C Standard: 1850/-
- A.C Sleeper: 3800/-
Khyber Mail
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1100/-
- A.C Standard: 2400/-
- A.C Sleeper: 1750/-
- A.C Sleeper: 3550/-
- Economy Seat: 1450/-
- Economy Berth: 1550/-
- A.C Business: 2950/-
- A.C Standard: 1850/-
- A.C Sleeper: 3800/-
Bahawalpur To Quetta Train Timing