Attock to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024

Check the online Attock to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024 from here. If you’re thinking about taking a train trip from Attock to Gujranwala, it’s really important to know exactly when the trains leave and arrive, and how much the tickets cost. In this article, you’ll find a lot of detailed information about the specific times the trains depart and arrive, along with the prices for different types of tickets in various classes.

Attock to Gujranwala Train Timing

  1. Awam Express:
    • Departure Time: 10:55 AM
    • Destination Arrival Time: 4:55 PM
  2. Khyber Mail:
    • Departure Time: 11:47 PM
    • Destination Arrival Time: 6:00 AM
  3. Jaffar Express:
    • Departure Time: 7:11 AM
    • Destination Arrival Time: 12:40 PM

Ticket Prices:

Now, let’s delve into the ticket prices for different classes on these trains:

  1. Awam Express:
    • Economy Seat: 950/-
    • Economy Berth: 1000/-
    • A.C Business: N/A
    • A.C Standard: 1650/-
    • A.C Sleeper: N/A
  2. Jaffar Express:
    • Economy Seat: 950/-
    • Economy Berth: 1000/-
    • A.C Business: 1700/-
    • A.C Standard: 1650/-
    • A.C Sleeper: 2200/-
  3. Khyber Mail:
    • Economy Seat: 950/-
    • Economy Berth: 1000/-
    • A.C Business: 1700/-
    • A.C Standard: 1650/-
    • A.C Sleeper: 2200/-

Attock to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024


It is important to have accurate details about the schedule and costs of train tickets from Attock to Gujranwala to ensure a convenient and pleasant travel experience. To make your journey smooth, it is recommended to carefully plan your trip, purchase your tickets in advance, and then commence your hassle-free train adventure from Attock to Gujranwala.

Faisalabad To Karachi Train Timing


What are the departure and arrival times for Awam Express from Attock to Gujranwala?

Awam Express departs from Attock at 10:55 AM and arrives in Gujranwala at 4:55 PM.

2. How much does an Economy Seat ticket cost for Jaffar Express from Attock to Gujranwala?

The ticket price for an Economy Seat on Jaffar Express is 950/-.

3. Is there an A.C Sleeper option on Khyber Mail for the Attock to Gujranwala route?

No, Khyber Mail does not offer an A.C Sleeper option for this route.

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