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ToggleCheck the online Faisalabad To Multan Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. When you want to travel from Faisalabad to Multan, it’s really important to know the exact times when the trains run and how much tickets cost.
Faisalabad to Multan Train Timing
- Shalimar Express:
- Departure Time: 8:05 AM
- Arrival Time in Multan: 11:05 AM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 1:25 PM
- Arrival Time in Multan: 5:00 PM
The Shalimar Express and Pakistan Express trains provide suitable schedules for individuals who wish to travel conveniently between the cities of Faisalabad.
Karachi To Sargodha Train Timing
Faisalabad to Multan Train Ticket Prices:
Now, let’s take a closer look at the costs associated with tickets for different classes available on these trains.
Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: 700/-
- Economy Berth: 750/-
- A.C Standard: 1300/-
- A.C Business: 1650/-
- A.C Sleeper: —
Shalimar Express:
- Economy Seat: 700/-
- Economy Berth: 750/-
- A.C Standard: 1300/-
- A.C Business: 1650/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2350/-
The process of traveling from Faisalabad to Multan has become more convenient due to the inclusion of information on train schedules and ticket prices in this article. It is advisable to plan your journey systematically, secure your tickets in advance, and indulge in a smooth and enjoyable commute connecting these vibrant cities.

- What are the departure and arrival times for Shalimar Express from Faisalabad to Multan?
- Shalimar Express departs from Faisalabad at 8:05 AM and arrives in Multan at 11:05 AM.
- How much does an Economy Seat ticket cost for Pakistan Express from Faisalabad to Multan?
- An Economy Seat ticket for Pakistan Express is priced at 700/-.
- Can I book an A.C Sleeper ticket for Shalimar Express from Faisalabad to Multan?
- No, Shalimar Express does not offer A.C Sleeper class; it provides Economy Seat, Economy Berth, A.C Standard, and A.C Business classes.
- What is the ticket price for an A.C Business seat on Pakistan Express from Faisalabad to Multan?
- The ticket price for an A.C Business seat on Pakistan Express is 1650/-.