Rawalpindi To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price & Timing 2025

Check the online Rawalpindi To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price from here. Check train Timing for the year 2025 from here. Are you thinking about making a journey from Rawalpindi to Sahiwal? If so, we encourage you to stay in touch with us. We provide comprehensive information, including the schedule for trains traveling between Rawalpindi and Sahiwal, as well as details about ticket prices. Take the next step and explore the information available to us.


In the heart of Pakistan lies the historic city of Sahiwal, offering a rich cultural experience and a gateway to the northern wonders of Rawalpindi. Travel enthusiasts seeking an efficient and comfortable journey often turn to the rail system. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the specifics of Sahiwal to Rawalpindi train ticket prices, ensuring you embark on your adventure well-informed and ready to make the most of your travel budget.

Rawalpindi To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price & Timing 2024

Lahore to Faisalabad Train Timing

Rawalpindi To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Khyber MailRs. 950Rs. 1000Rs. 2400Rs. 1750Rs. 3550
TezgamRs. 1300Rs. 1350Rs. 2550Rs. 1850Rs. 3800
Jaffar ExpressRs. 1300Rs. 1350Rs. 2550Rs. 1850Rs. 3800
Awam ExpressRs. 950Rs. 1000Rs. 1750

Rawalpindi To Sahiwal Train Timing

Train NameDeparture TimeArrival Time
Awam Express2:40 AM12:25 PM
Tezgam9:47 AM6:55 PM
Khyber Mail4:05 PM1:20 AM
Jaffar Express4:52 AM2:00 PM

Pakistan Railway Contact Details

Company Name
Pakistan Railway
Contact Number+924299201665.
AddressGate No 2 Empress Road, Near Haji Camp, Swami Nagar Qila Gujjar Singh, Lahore


In conclusion, unlocking the best Sahiwal to Rawalpindi train ticket prices requires a blend of strategy, timing, and flexibility. By staying informed about the various factors influencing prices and leveraging available discounts, you can embark on your journey with confidence. Whether you prioritize efficiency or luxury, there’s a ticket option tailored to your preferences. So, gear up for an exciting adventure and let the rail journey from Sahiwal to Rawalpindi be the perfect start to your next exploration. Safe travels!

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