Check online Rawalpindi To Karachi Train Ticket Price from this page. Here, you can find comprehensive information about the fares for train journeys. A detailed and exhaustive list of all the trains that operate between Rawalpindi and Karachi, as well as those traveling from Karachi to Rawalpindi, is provided below for your convenience.
Rawalpindi To Karachi Train Ticket Price Green Line:
It covers the distance between the two cities in just 21 hours and 20 minutes, making it the fastest train service on the route. Green Line offers AC Business and Economy class with fares of Rs 5900 and Rs 4300.
Rehman Baba Express:
It was introduced for lower-class passengers who want to travel between cities cheaply. You’ll cover the route with 28 stops and stations in just 22 hours and 30 minutes. The economy class train ticket is Rs. 3,500, and the sleeper and seat ticket is Rs. 1,400. The Ac standard class of Rehman Baba Express train costs rupees 9500 from Karachi to Rawalpindi. The Ac Business class is the most comfortable class for the Rehman Baba Express.
Pakistan Express:
It covers the distance between the cities in 26 hours. It only offers economy class and the ticket price is the same at Rs.3,500 and Rs. 3,400 rupees for a bed and a seat. The Ac sleeper class of Pakistan Express fare is rupees 8700 from Rawalpindi to Karachi.

Awam Express:
It covers the route between Rawalpindi and Karachi in 29 hours and 50 minutes. Passenger train ticket price is Rs 3800 for Business/AC Class and Rs 3800 for Economy Class. The beds and seats are 1,550 rupees and 1,450 rupees.
Tezgam Express:
It is another passenger train that runs daily between Rawalpindi and Karachi. The ticket price for AC Business is Rs. 5050 AC Lower/Standard is Rs. 4,050 AC Sleeper is Rs. 6,800 Economy Sleeper Rs. 1,650 & economy Seat Rs. 1,550.
Khyber Mail Train:
The departure time from Rawalpindi is 1:55 AM, and the arrival at the destination is 5:15 AM. Kyber Mail ticket prices are as follows: Air conditioning business = Rs. 4,750 AC Lower Criteria = Rs. 3,800 AC Sleeper = Rs. 6,650 Economy = Rs. 1550 seats & Rs. 1400 sleepers.