Khanewal to Lahore Train Ticket Price Fare 2025

Check online Khanewal to Lahore Train Ticket Price Fare for the year 2025 from here. The effective distribution of information regarding train timetables and ticket prices is crucial for the smooth operation of transit between Khanewal and Lahore. As service providers committed to being responsible, we highly prioritize ensuring accuracy and precision.

Khanewal to Lahore Trains List

  1. Akbar Express
  2. Allama Iqbal Express
  3. Awam Express
  4. Green Line Express
  5. Jinnah Express
  6. Karakoram Express
  7. Karachi Express
  8. Khyber Mail Express
  9. Pak Business Express
  10. Shah Hussain Express
  11. Shalimar Express
  12. Tezgam Express
  13. Musa Pak Express

Khanewal to Lahore Train Ticket Price Fare 2024

Khanewal to Lahore Train Ticket Price 2025

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Akbar ExpressRs. 800Rs. 850
Allama Iqbal ExpressRs. 650Rs. 800Rs. 1400Rs. 950Rs. 1950
Awam ExpressRs. 650Rs. 800Rs. 1400Rs. 950Rs. 1950
Green Line ExpressRs. 900Rs. 950Rs. 1350
Jinnah ExpressRs. 900Rs. 950Rs. 2000Rs. 1300Rs. 3600
Karakoram ExpressRs. 950Rs. 950Rs. 2000
Karachi ExpressRs. 600Rs. 1550Rs. 1100Rs. 1950
Khyber Mail ExpressRs. 650Rs. 800Rs. 1400Rs. 950Rs. 1950
Pak Business ExpressRs. 600Rs. 1550Rs. 1100Rs. 1950
Shah Hussain ExpressRs. 600Rs. 1550Rs. 1100Rs. 1950
Shalimar ExpressRs. 600Rs. 1550Rs. 1100Rs. 1950
Tezgam ExpressRs. 550Rs. 750Rs. 1450Rs. 1050Rs. 1850
Musa Pak ExpressRs. 650Rs. 1400Rs. 950

Khanewal to Lahore Trains Online Ticket Booking

Khanewal to Lahore Train Timing

There are three ways you can get your train ticket from Multan to Khanewal. Using the phone service is the first option; all you have to do is call the railway hotline to reserve your seat. The second way is to go to Pakistan Railway’s official website. Go to the online reservation page and complete the form by providing all the required information. Once the form is filled out, choose the submit or book a seat option to complete your reservation. Using the Easypaisa app to buy your ticket is your third option.

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