Check the online Karachi to Ghotki Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. Starting a trip from Karachi to Ghotki? It’s important to make sure you have the correct details about when the trains run and how much tickets cost to ensure your journey goes smoothly and without any problems.
Karachi to Ghotki Train Timing
- Allama Iqbal Express:
- Departure Time: 2:00 PM
- Arrival Time: 9:50 PM
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 7:00 AM
- Arrival Time: 4:36 PM
- Bahauddin Zakria Express:
- Departure Time: 5:50 PM
- Arrival Time: 2:40 AM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 1:00 PM
- Arrival Time: 8:31 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 10:15 PM
- Arrival Time: 5:56 AM
Train Ticket Prices
- Allama Iqbal Express:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Birth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 4070/-
- A.C Standard: 3050/-
- A.C Sleeper: 5580/-
- Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Birth: 1750/-
- A.C Standard: 2950/-
- Bahauddin Zakria Express:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Birth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 4050/-
- A.C Standard: 2950/-
- A.C Sleeper: 5650/-
- Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Birth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 4050/-
- A.C Standard: 3000/-
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Birth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 4050/-
- A.C Standard: 2950/-
- A.C Sleeper: 5550/-