Check online Peshawar To Attock Train Ticket Price from here. Check train Timings for the year 2024 from here. The total distance between Peshawar & Attock city is 78 kilometers. If you are planning to travel from Peshawar To Attock by train. Then read this article till end. Here we share all the details.
Jaffar Express, Awam Express, Rehman Baba Express and Khyber Mail trains runs daily between Peshawar & Attock city. These trains have multiple classes. The name of these classes are Air conditioned class, AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower and A.C Sleeper. Check these class fare karya from here.
Peshawar To Attock Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 600/- | 850/- | — | 750/- | — |
Khyber Mail | 600/- | 850/- | 900/- | 750/- | 1400/- |
Khushhal Khan Khattak Exp | — | — | — | — | — |
Jaffar Express | 650/- | 800/- | 950/- | 600/- | 1150/- |
Rehman Baba Express | 600/- | 850/- | 900/- | 650/- | — |
Peshawar To Attock Trains Timings
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 9:15 AM | 10:50 AM |
Khyber Mail | 10:12 PM | 11:45 PM |
Jaffar Express | 5:39 AM | 7:09 AM |
Awam Express
Khyber Mail Express Train Schedule
Khyber Mail
The Khyber Mail departure time from Peshawar railway station is 10:12 PM. While the train reached its destination at Attock Railway station at 11:45 PM.

- Comfortable sleepers
- WiFi
- Tea
- Newspapers
- Standard bedding
- Air conditioned rooms