Check online Margalla Express Train Ticket Price from here. Here Schedule as well as details about Online Booking is available. In Pakistan’s Margalla, there is a railway station. Five trains leave from Margalla Station for various places around the nation. The 5up Green Line, 6dn Green Line, 95up Special Train, and 96dn Special Train are among the well-known trains that leave from the station. Pakistan Railways is in charge of all these trains.
Margalla Express Train
Margalla Express from Rawalpindi to Lahore:
Beginning on June 5, Pakistan Railways (PR) will run the Margalla Express train nonstop between Rawalpindi and Lahore. According to a representative of the Ministry of Railways, the Margalla Express ran three days a week before Pakistan Railways’ decision. He said that PR has adjusted the departure and arrival times of the Margalla Express, which will now leave and arrive from Lahore-Rawalpindi at the same times of 5:30 and 10:10, respectively. The Rawal Express’s schedule has also changed thanks to PR, and it will now be at 12:30 pm and 4:30 am, respectively, flights from Lahore-Rawalpindi simultaneously depart and arrive, he added. According to the official, PR has given Millat Express, which travels from Faisalabad to Karachi, and Iqbal Express, which travels from Sialkot to Karachi, a two-minute stoppage at Pid Eddan Railway Station.
Margalla Express Up Lahore To Rawalpindi Timings
Stop | Arrival | Departure |
Lahore Jn | Start | 05:30 A.M |
Gujranwala | 06:26 A.M | 06:30 A.M |
Wazirabad Jn | 06:51 A.M | 06:55 A.M |
Gujrat | 07:10 A.M | 07:15 A.M |
Chak Lala | 09:55 A.M | 09:13 A.M |
Rawalpindi | 10:10 A.M | End |

Margalla Train Schedule
Train Name | Code | Arrival | Departure |
108DN Islamabad ExpressMargala to Lahore | 108DN | 17:20:00 | |
5UP Green LineKarachi Cantt to Margala | 5UP | 20:05:00 | |
6DN Green LineMargala to Karachi Cantt | 6DN | 15:05:00 | |
95UP Special TrainKarachi Cantt to Margala | 95UP | 09:25:00 | |
96DN Special TrainMargala to Karachi Cantt | 96DN | 22:10:00 |