Check online Lahore To Mianwali Train Ticket Price for the year 2025 from here. Information on the Pakistan Railway timetable and the cost of a ticket between Lahore and Mianwali stations are available here.
From Lahore to Mianwali, there is just one express passenger train every day. The sole train that runs daily between Lahore and Mianwali is the Mianwali Express.
Previously the train service was called Niazi Express but later it was decided to launch the service with the name of the city from which it travels. It was the 36th train service which was launched after Sheikh Rasheed became the Minister for Railway.
The Mianwali Express departs Lahore at 9 p.m. and arrives in Mianwali at 4:45 a.m. the following morning, traveling the distance in 7 hr.
Lahore To Dera Ghazi Khan Train Ticket Price

Lahore To Mianwali Train Ticket Price
The Mianwali Express has three types of classes. The names of these classes are Economy class, Economy berth, and Ac Standard class. The ticket price for all these classes of trains is mentioned below.
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Standard |
Mianwali Express | 680/- | 830/- | 1260/- |