Check online Lahore To Dera Ghazi Khan Train Ticket Price 2024 from here. Here all train fare details are available. Every single day, many trains leave Dera Ghazi Khan and travel to different parts of Pakistan, carrying both goods and people. If you want to know when these trains depart and arrive, you can check the latest timetable available at the Dera Ghazi Khan Railway station. This timetable contains information specifically about express passenger trains.
All these trains are managed by Pakistan Railway.
Lahore To Dera Ghazi Khan Train Ticket Price & Timings 2024
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Destination Arrival Time |
Akbar Express | 5:00 PM | Rs. 870 | N/a | Rs. 1,260 | N/a | 3:03 AM |
Allama Iqbal Express | 12:00 PM | Rs. 890 | N/a | N/a | N/a | 9:43 PM |
Awam Express | 6:55 PM | Rs. 890 | Rs. 1,730 | N/a | N/a | 5:38 AM |
Tezgam | 1:50 PM | Rs. 810 | Rs. 1,810 | Rs. 3,030 | Rs. 2,330 | 11:17 PM |
Shalimar Express | 6:00 AM | Rs. 870 | Rs. 1,740 | N/a | N/a | 3:14 PM |
Pak Business Express | 3:30 PM | Rs. 920 | Rs. 1,880 | N/a | Rs. 2,660 | 11:38 PM |
Khyber Mail | 7:50 AM | Rs. 890 | Rs. 1,730 | Rs. 3,030 | Rs. 2,230 | 6:52 PM |
Jaffar Express | 2:40 PM | Rs. 1,030 | Rs. 2,160 | Rs. 3,030 | Rs. 2,640 | 12:01 AM |