Check online Lahore To Gujranwala Train Timing for the year 2025 from here. Here all train timings are available. A total of twenty trains depart daily from Gujranwala Station, connecting various destinations across the country. Some of the notable trains include the 102dn Subak Raftar, 103up Subak Kharam, 104dn Subak Kharam, 109up Rawalpindi Express, 110dn Rawalpindi Express, 117up Pindi Express, 118dn Pindi Express, 13up Awam Express, and 14dn Awam Express. These trains serve as vital links for passengers, offering reliable and efficient travel.
Six express passenger trains run daily between Lahore to Gujranwala. Rain timings for all trains on Pakistan Railway’s most recent schedule from Lahore to Gujranwala. Trains that run between Lahore and Gujranwala are known by the names Awam Express, Jaffar Express, Khyber Mail, Subak Kharam, Subak Raftar, and Tezgam. All classes of trains’ complete timetables, stop details, ticket costs, and tariff information. You may find out how long it took a train to get from Lahore to Gujranwala by looking at the information on this page.
Lahore To Gujranwala Train Timing & Fares
Train Name | Departure Time | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 6:25 AM | Rs. 330 | Rs. 600 | N/a | N/a | 7:25 AM |
Tezgam | 1:10 PM | Rs. 330 | Rs. 610 | Rs. 720 | Rs. 890 | 2:05 PM |
Subak Raftar | 7:00 AM | Rs. 330 | Rs. 600 | N/a | Rs. 810 | 7:59 AM |
Subak Kharam | 4:30 PM | Rs. 330 | Rs. 600 | N/a | Rs. 810 | 5:29 PM |
Khyber Mail | 7:45 PM | Rs. 330 | Rs. 600 | Rs. 720 | Rs. 870 | 8:55 PM |
Jaffar Express | 8:25 AM | Rs. 350 | Rs. 650 | Rs. 720 | Rs. 860 | 9:24 AM |
Awam Express Fare
The Awam Express economy class fare is rupees 330 from Lahore To Gujranwala. The Ac lower class of Awam express costs rupees 600 from Lahore To Gujranwala. Moreover, the Ac standard class cost rupees 760 from Lahore to Gujranwala.
Tezgam Fare
The Tezgam train economy class fare is rupees 330 from Lahore To Gujranwala. The Ac lower class Tezgam train costs rupees 610 from Lahore To Gujranwala. The tezgam train is the fastest train that travels from Lahore to Gujranwala.