In this post, all the details related to the Khanewal to Okara Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. Traveling by train from Multan to Toba Tek Singh is a convenient and popular option. This route offers several trains that run regularly, ensuring passengers have a variety of choices to fit their schedules. Below, we provide detailed information about the train timings and ticket prices to help you plan your journey efficiently.
Khanewal to Okara Train Timing
Here are the train timings for some of the popular trains traveling from Multan to Toba Tek Singh:
- Allama Iqbal Express: Departs at 5:05 AM and arrives at 7:31 AM.
- Awam Express: Departs at 12:40 AM and arrives at 3:06 AM.
- Multan Express: Departs at 4:42 PM and arrives at 6:47 PM.
- Tezgam: Departs at 7:55 AM and arrives at 10:13 AM.
- Khyber Mail: Departs at 2:05 PM and arrives at 4:31 PM.
- Jaffar Express: Departs at 3:00 AM and arrives at 5:18 AM.
These timings ensure that passengers can choose a train that best suits their travel requirements, whether they need to travel early in the morning, during the day, or late at night.
Ticket Prices
The ticket prices for the Multan to Toba Tek Singh route vary depending on the class of travel. Here is a breakdown of the fares for different trains:
- Allama Iqbal Express
- Economy: Rs. 580
- AC Lower: Rs. 710
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1010
- AC Business: Rs. 1110 / Rs. 1310
- Awam Express
- Economy: Rs. 570
- AC Lower: Rs. 720
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1050
- AC Business: Rs. 1110 / Rs. 1320
- Multan Express
- Economy: Rs. 610
- AC Lower: Rs. 660
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1050
- AC Business: Rs. 1100 / Rs. 1300
- Tezgam
- Economy: Rs. 590
- AC Lower: Rs. 730
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1010
- AC Business: Rs. 1150 / Rs. 1350
- Khyber Mail
- Economy: Rs. 580
- AC Lower: Rs. 710
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1030
- AC Business: Rs. 1120 / Rs. 1320
- Jaffar Express
- Economy: Rs. 640
- AC Lower: Rs. 720
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1040
- AC Business: Rs. 1110 / Rs. 1310

Traveling by train from Multan to Toba Tek Singh is not only affordable but also comfortable. With multiple trains running daily, passengers can choose the best time and class that fits their budget and preferences. Whether you are a daily commuter or a traveler, these trains provide a reliable means of transportation. Ensure you check the latest schedules and fares before your journey to avoid any inconvenience.