Check online Badin Express Train Timings from here. Check details about Stations Stops & Schedule from this page. If you are planning a trip from Hyderabad to Badin. Then stay connected with us. Here all the details are available. Badin Express is the best passenger train operated by Pakistan Railways daily between Hyderabad and Badin. The journey takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to cover the claimed distance of 104 km (65 mi), covering the entire section of the Hyderabad-Badin branch road.
The train provides only economy class seats and birth with sleeping arrangements. It also provides good catering services. Its food and catering environment is purely hygienic. The Badin Express train staff provides Urdu as well as English newspapers to its customers.
Badin Express Hyderabad JN to Badin is 179 Up and Badin to Hyderabad is 180 down via Talhar, Palh, Matli, Tando Muhammad Khan, Khathar and Zeal Pak. This train takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes only to complete its journey of 100 K.M. The train starts its journey from Hyderabad Junction at 07:15 AM. The train reached its destination at Badin Railway Station at 09:50 AM.

Badin Express is a Pakistani local train that runs The Badin Express stops regularly at Zeal Pak station. 179 Going up from Hyderabad to Badin takes 2 minutes and Badin Express 180 Getting off departs from Badin to Hyderabad takes 2 minutes. Badin Express 179 Up has 6 stops and Badin Express 180 DN has 6 stops.
Badin Express Train Timings
Stop Name | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Hyderabad Jn | Start | 07:15 |
Zeal Pak | 07:21 | 07:25 |
Khathar | 07:38 | 07:42 |
Tando Muhammad Khan | 08:00 | 08:05 |
Matli | 08:27 | 08:29 |
Palh | 08:48 | 08:51 |
Talhar | 09:19 | 09:14 |
Badin | 09:50 | End |
Badin Express Train Ticket Price
The Badin Express train economy class is rupees 1200 from Hyderabad to Badin. The Ac standard class fare is rupees 1750 from Hyderabad to Badin. Whereas the Ac sleeper class of Badin Express train costs rupees 2200 from Hyderabad to Badin.