Thal Express Train Ticket Price Schedule & Online Booking 2025

Here in this post, you will get complete information about the Thal Express Train Ticket Price Schedule and online Booking. The Thal Express is an intercity rail service. The train is an express passenger train that travels from Rawalpindi to Multan Cantt daily. The Thal Express train is run by Pakistan Railways and a private company working together. The superintendent of the Railway, Inamullah, officially started the Thal Express.

The train provides facilities to the people living in the areas of Golra, Taxila, Hassan Abdal, Attock, Mianwali, Bhakkar, Kot Addu, and Muzaffargarh.

Thal Express Train Ticket Price:

The Thal Express train has different ticket prices for its different compartments which are as follows:

The train ticket price for its Economy class seat is 600/Rs and for its berth is 700/Rs

The train ticket price for its AC standard is 1,350/Rs.

Thal Train Stations and Stops:

The Pakistan Railway has given the Thal Express train 129 UP number that travels from Multan to Rawalpindi and the 130 DN number that travels from Rawalpindi to Multan. The Thal Express train started its journey from Rawalpindi and taking it stops at Golra Sharif, Taxila Cantt, Wah, Hassan Abdal, Faqirabad, Attock City, Jhalar, Sulaimanabad, Basal, Domel, Jand, Jhamat, Chhab, Khatakabad, Injra, Makhad Road, Sohan Bridge, Massan, Daud Khel, Dher Ummid Ali, Pai Khel, Samandwala, Mian wali, Kundian, Alluwali, Piplan, Kallur Kot, Maibal, Shah Alam, Panj Giran, Darya Khan, Bhakkar, Behal, Karor, Dorata, Leiah, Kot Sultan, Ashanpur Ahp, Dera Dinpanah, Kot Adu, Sanawan, Mahmud Kot, Budh, Muzaffargarh, Sher Shah and then reaches to its destination Multan Cantt.


The Thal Express train covers a distance of 800 km in approximately 15 hours to complete its journey.


The Thal Express train provides the passengers with the facility of Economy class, AC compartments, and a cargo compartment.

Thal Express Schedule:
Stop NameArrival TimeDeparture Time
Multan Cant08:00
Kot Adu Jn09:3709:40
Darya Khan12:1512:18
Kallor Kot13:3613:39
Kundian Jn15:1515:40
Pai Khel16:2116:23
Daud Khel16:4416:46
Jand Jn18:5318:56
Attock City20:4020:46
Hassan Abdal21:1821:20
Taxila Cantt21:3821:41
Golra Sharif22:0022:03

The Thal Express Train embarks on its voyage, commencing from the Multan Cantt station precisely at 8:00 in the morning. After a journey of 30 minutes, the train makes a stop at the Muzaffargarh railway station at 8:30 AM. Finally, the train concludes its travel, arriving at its ultimate destination, the Rawalpindi railway station, at 10:30 PM.

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