Check the online Sahiwal To Karachi Train Ticket Price for the year 2025 from here. Are you searching on the internet for Karachi to Sahiwal train ticket prices and landed on this page? Then you are on the right page. In this article, we cover all the details related to the train ticket price as well as the ticket fare of trains of different classes that travel from Sahiwal to Karachi.
6 trains travel from Sahiwal to Karachi. The names of these trains are Awam Express, Allama Iqbal Express, Karachi Express, Khyber Mail, Pak Business Express, and Tezgam Express train. All these trains are managed by the Pakistan Railway. Stay connected with us.
Sahiwal To Karachi Train Ticket Price 2025
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 2950/- | 2950/- | — | 4100/- | — |
Allama Iqbal Express | 2850/- | 3050/- | — | — | — |
Karachi Express | 2750/- | 3000/- | 5700/- | 4400/- | 7800/- |
Khyber Mail | 2950/- | 2850/- | 5250/- | 4100/- | 7350/- |
Pak Business Express | 2780/- | 3000/- | 5700/- | 4400/- | 7800/- |
Tezgam | 3200/- | 2800/- | 5700/- | 4400/- | 7800/- |
Awam Express Economy, Ac Standard, Ac Business, Ac Sleeper Fare Sahiwal to Karachi
The Awam Express travels from Sahiwal to Karachi daily. The train takes 7 hours and 40 minutes to reach its destination. The Awam express fare for Economy class & economy berth is rupees 2950 from Sahiwal to Karachi. The Ac standard costs rupees 4100 from Sahiwal to Karachi.
Allama Iqbal Express Economy, Ac Standard, Ac Business, Ac Sleeper Ticket Price Sahiwal to Karachi
Like the Awam Express, the Allama Iqbal Express also travels from Sahiwal to Karachi daily. The Allama Iqbal Express takes 17 hours to reach its destination. The economy seat for Allama Iqbal express fare is 2850 rupees. Whereas the economy berth costs 3050.
Karachi Express Economy, Ac Standard, Ac Business, Ac Sleeper Fare Sahiwal to Karachi
The Karachi Express is operated daily from Sahiwal to Karachi by Pakistan Railway. The train takes 16 hours and 18 minutes to reach its destination. The economy seat ticket is rupees 2750 for Karachi Express. The Ac business class ticket price is 5700 from Karachi to Sahiwal. If you want to travel in the Ac sleeper class of Karachi Express. Then you have to pay 7800 rupees from Sahiwal to Karachi.
Gujrat To Rawalpindi Train Timing
Khyber Mail Economy, Ac Standard, Ac Business, Ac Sleeper Fare Sahiwal to Karachi
The Khyber Mail is also operated by Pakistan Railway Via Sahiwal Karachi Route daily. The train takes 18 hours 23 minutes to travel its journey from Sahiwal to Karachi. The economy seat costs rupees 2950. The Ac business ticket is rupees 4100 from Karachi to Sahiwal. The ticket price from Sahiwal to Karachi for the Ac sleeper class of Khyber mail is 7350 rupees.
Pak Business Express Economy, Ac Standard, Ac Business, Ac Sleeper Fare Sahiwal to Karachi
The Pak Business Express is also operated by the Pakistan Railway on the Sahiwal Karachi Route. The train takes about 15 hours 41 minutes to reach its destination. The economy class costs rupees 2780 for Pak Business Express. The economy berth ticket is 3000 rupees from Sahiwal to Karachi. Whereas the Ac Standard class of Pak Business Express ticket price for one person from Sahiwal to Karachi is 4400 rupees.

Sahiwal to Karachi Train Timing Today
Train Name | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Duration |
Allama Iqbal Express | 14:40:00 | 07:40:00 | 17 hours |
Awam Express | 13:55:00 | 07:35:00 | 17 hours 40 min |
Karachi Express | 19:25:00 | 11:37:00 | 16 hours 18 min |
Khyber Mail | 10:55:00 | 05:12:00 | 18 hours 23 min |
Pak Business Express | 18:30:00 | 10:13:00 | 15 hours 45 min |
Tezgam | 16:13:00 | 09:55:00 | 17 hours 42 min |
Sahiwal to Karachi Distance by Train
The total distance between Sahiwal And Karachi is 1043 Kilometers by train. The total time required for the train to travel between Sahiwal and Karachi is 18 hours. The travel duration is based on the train speed and the total number of stops the train takes from Sahiwal to Karachi.
Karachi to Sahiwal Train Ticket Booking Online
Simply follow the following steps to book your train ticket from Karachi to Sahiwal.
- First of all open the official website of Pakistan Railway. If you are new to the Pakistan Railway. First, register yourself by clicking on the register button.
- After you register click on the login button.
- After you log in. Click on the booking section.
- Select Karachi as your departure city and Sahiwal as your arrival city.
- Select travel of time and time as well as select in which train you want to travel. Also, enter your payment method details.
- Complete your payment method details and click on the book button.
- Your picture of your ticket is displayed on your screen. You can take the print of your ticket.