Sahiwal to Jhelum Train Timings & Train Ticket Price 2024

Here all the details related to the Sahiwal to Jhelum Train Timings & Train Ticket Price 2024 are available. For many people in Pakistan, taking the train is a convenient and well-liked way to go from Sahiwal to Jhelum. Here is a comprehensive guide to train schedules and ticket costs to assist you in making travel plans.

Sahiwal to Jhelum Train Timings

Here are the departure and arrival times for the trains traveling from Sahiwal to Jhelum:

  1. Awam Express
    • Departure Time: 2:40 AM
    • Arrival Time: 10:05 AM
  2. Tezgam
    • Departure Time: 9:47 AM
    • Arrival Time: 4:13 PM
  3. Khyber Mail
    • Departure Time: 4:05 PM
    • Arrival Time: 11:10 PM
  4. Jaffar Express
    • Departure Time: 4:52 AM
    • Arrival Time: 11:47 AM

Sahiwal to Jhelum Train Timings & Train Ticket Price 2024

Train Ticket Prices

The ticket prices vary depending on the class you choose. Here are the fares for different classes:

  1. Awam Express
    • Economy: Rs. 1410
    • AC Lower: Rs. 1960
    • AC Sleeper: Rs. 2460
    • AC Business: Rs. 2960
  2. Tezgam
    • Economy: Rs. 1440
    • AC Lower: Rs. 1900
    • AC Sleeper: Rs. 2470
    • AC Business: Rs. 2950
  3. Khyber Mail
    • Economy: Rs. 1410
    • AC Lower: Rs. 1960
    • AC Sleeper: Rs. 2470
    • AC Business: Rs. 2990
  4. Jaffar Express
    • Economy: Rs. 1580
    • AC Lower: Rs. 1990
    • AC Sleeper: Rs. 2470
    • AC Business: Rs. 2820

Sahiwal to Gujrat Train Timing


How long does it take to travel from Sahiwal to Jhelum by train?

The travel time ranges from 7 to 8 hours, depending on the train you choose.

2. Can I book train tickets online for Sahiwal to Jhelum?

Yes, you can book tickets online through the Pakistan Railways website or mobile app.

3. Are there any discounts available on train tickets?

Yes, Pakistan Railways sometimes offers discounts for students and senior citizens, and during special promotions.

4. Is food available on the trains from Sahiwal to Jhelum?

Yes, most long-distance trains have a dining car or offer food services on board.

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