Check the online Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh Train Timings Fare Ticket Price for the year 2025 from this page. The Information on the fare schedule and ticket prices for the Pakistan Railway between Rawalpindi and Toba Tek Singh. Numerous express and passenger trains travel along several Pakistani railway routes from Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh. varied classes have varied ticket prices and rail fares.
Two trains, the Pakistan Express and Rehman Baba Express run daily from Rawalpindi to Toba Tek Singh. According to the most recent ticket table published by Pakistan Railway, here is information on the cost of express passenger trains traveling from Rawalpindi Railway Station to Toba Tek Singh Jn. Price of a full-fare rail ticket in Pakistan At the Rawalpindi railway station, a detailed timetable for the economy class seat, economy birth, air-conditioned class, AC business, AC standard, AC lower, and AC sleeper is available.
Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh Train Timings
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Pakistan Express | 6:00 AM | 2:31 PM |

Rawalpindi To Toba Train Fare Ticket Price 2023
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Lower |
Pakistan Express | 1950/- | 2000/- | 3400/- | 3800/- |
Rehman Baba Express | 1900/- | 2250/- | 3450/- | 3150/- |
Pakistan Express Fare Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh
Pakistan Express has four class names Economy Class, Economy Berth, Ac Business Class, and Ac Lower Class. Each class fare is different. The Economy class fare is 1950 rupees from Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh. The fare for Ac business class is 3400 rupees from Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh. Those persons who want to travel in Ac lower class of Pakistan Express. They have to pay 3400 rupees from Rawalpindi To Toba Tek Singh.