Rawalpindi To Quetta Train Ticket Price

Check the online Rawalpindi To Quetta Train Ticket Price for the year 2025 from here. Check all trains fare from here. Information on the Pakistan Railway pricing table and the cost of a ticket between Rawalpindi and Quetta. Numerous express and passenger trains go along various Pakistani railway routes from Rawalpindi to Quetta.

varied classes have varied ticket prices and rail fares. Only the Jaffar Express runs daily between Rawalpindi and Quetta. According to the most recent fare table published by Pakistan Railway, these are the train fare details for the express passenger trains running between Rawalpindi and Quetta. Price of a full-fare rail ticket in Pakistan At the Rawalpindi railway station, a detailed timetable for the economy class seat, economy birth, air-conditioned class, AC business, AC standard, AC lower, and AC sleeper is available.

Rawalpindi To Quetta Train Ticket Price

Rawalpindi To Quetta Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Jaffar Express3600/-3900/-7500/-8550/-9650/-

Traveling on the Jaffar Express train from Rawalpindi to Quetta costs different amounts based on the type of seat you choose. If you want a very comfortable trip, you can pick the AC sleeper class, which costs 9650 rupees. This is the most luxurious option. If you don’t want to spend too much money, you can go for the economy class, which is cheaper at 3600 rupees. There’s also an option in between these two: the AC business class, which costs 7500 rupees. This option offers more comfort than the economy class but is not as luxurious as the AC sleeper class. So, you have several choices depending on how much you want to spend and how comfortable you want to be during the trip. This allows every passenger to choose what suits them best based on their needs and budget.

Table of train fares for all trains departing from Rawalpindi station and traveling to Quetta station in Pakistan, Information that is complete and in-depth regarding Pakistani train fares and ticket prices. airfare for economy class, air conditioning, business, standard, first-class sleeping quarters, and air conditioning Tickets from Rawalpindi to Quetta are less expensive.

We carefully compile this information from credible sources, but as human error is always a possibility, it should only be used as a guide. For the most up-to-date and exact fare, please contact a nearby railway booking office. Train tickets can be purchased online.

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