In this post, we provide our visitors with all the details about the Peshawar To Karachi Train Ticket Price. Here all train fare details are available. Currently, a total of 4 passenger trains run between Peshawar And Karachi daily which are Awam Express, Khyber Mail, Khushhal Khan Khattak, and Rehman Baba. It is the fastest and most daily passenger train operated by Pakistan Railways between Peshawar To Karachi.
Peshawar To Karachi Train Ticket Price:
Check Lahore To Quetta Train Ticket PriceĀ
It has economy class, AC Business, AC Standard, First Class sleeper, AC parlor, and Air-condition. When talking about train facilities, it is very impressive they offer quiet sleeping arrangements and independent seating arrangements. You can convert your seat into a sleepover if you want to sleep. The food and catering environment is purely hygienic and it also has local food vendors.

Peshawar To Karachi Trains Fare
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.CĀ Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 3800/- | 4200/- | — | 6900/- | — |
Khyber Mail | 3850/- | 4300/- | 6700/- | 6900/- | 9300/- |
Khushhal Khan Khattak Express | 3800/- | 4350/- | — | — | 9400/- |
Rehman Baba Express | 3950/- | 4150/- | 6700/- | 6950/- | — |
Awam Express Fare From Peshawar To Karachi
The Awam express train fare is rupees 3800 for economy class from Peshawar to Karachi. The economy’s birth costs rupees 4200. The Ac Standard class of Awam express fare is 6900 rupees from Peshawar To Karachi.
Khyber Mail Fare From Peshawar To Karachi
The Khyber Mail train fare is rupees 3850 for economy class from Peshawar to Karachi. The economy’s birth costs rupees 4300. The Ac Business class of Khyber Mail fare is 6700 rupees from Peshawar To Karachi.
Khushhal Khan Khattak Express Fare From Peshawar To Karachi
The Khushhal Khan Khattak Express train fare is rupees 3800 for economy class from Peshawar to Karachi. The economy’s birth costs rupees 4300. The Ac sleeper class of Khushhal Khan Khattak Express fare is 9400 rupees from Peshawar To Karachi.
Railway Contact Information
- Karachi 021-99213598
- Peshawar 091-5273900
- Website