OMR to PKR (Omani Rial Rate in Pakistan) on September 4, 2023 is Rs. 793.41, which is the interbank currency rate at the start of the business day according to the State Bank of Pakistan. This rate will fluctuate throughout the day based on a number of factors.
The closing interbank rate for Omani Rial (OMR) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) will be supplied by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) at the end of the business day. Therefore, you should come back later for an updated post containing the final OMR to PKR exchange rate.
It is important to note that incoming remittances to Pakistan and OMR to PKR conversions are provided to customers based on the interbank rate, whereas customers receive the open market rate when converting Pakistani Rupee to Omani Rial (PKR to OMR).
The exchange rate for the Omani Rial (OMR) against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) at the commencement of business on September 4, 2023 is Rs 793.41. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will update the post with the closing exchange rate for OMR to PKR on the interbank market today at the conclusion of the business day.
It is important to note that the open market rate for OMR to PKR will be slightly higher than the interbank rate, so it is recommended to verify with your bank or the nearest foreign exchange company / dealer prior to making any purchases or investments.
In addition, you will find the closing interbank exchange rate for the Omani Rial to PKR (Pakistani Rupee) in Pakistan Today on 4 September 2023 in the table below (updated at the end of the business day). In addition, the data includes the daily appreciation and depreciation (in PKR) of the currency.