Check online Musa Pak Express Train Timings from here. Here Fare details from Multan to Lahore also available. Musa Pak Express is a passenger train operated daily by Pakistan Railways between Multan and Lahore. The train is named after the famous Sufi saint Said Abul Khasab his Muthapak, who lived in Multan from 1535 until 1592. Musa Pak Express is known as the fastest train from Multan Cantonment to Lahore Junction.
Musa Pak Express Train Timings and stops:
The train covers 312 kilometers (194 miles) and takes about 4 hours and 35 minutes to travel along the Karachi-Peshawar railway line. Pakistan Railways is the current owner and operator of the Musa Pak Express, which it claims has a total of five stops from Multan Cantonment to Lahore Junction. Musa Pak Express arrives at Multan Cantonment at 4:35 PM and departs Lahore Junction at 11:45 PM. Musa Pak Express has many stops such as Khanewal Junction Mian Channun Pattoki Rawind Junction Kot Lakhpat.

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Musa Pak Express Train Fare:
The ticket price from Musa Pak Express Multan Cantonment to Lahore Junction is Rs. 900 in economy class. The Ac standard class costs 1300 rupees from Multan to Lahore railway station. Whereas the Ac sleeper fare of Musa Pak Express is rupees 21 from Multan Cantonment to Lahore Junction.
Musa Pak Express Train Schedule Multan To Lahore:
Stop Name | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Multan Cant | Start | 16:00 |
Khanewal Jn | 16:44 | 16:46 |
Mian Channun | 17:15 | 17:18 |
Sahiwal | 18:16 | 18:19 |
Okara | 18:45 | 18:48 |
Pattoki | 19:20 | 19:22 |
Raiwind Jn | 19:57 | 20:00 |
Kot Lakhpat | 20:25 | 20:26 |
Lahore Jn | 21:05 | End |