Multan To Lahore Trains Timings & Ticket Price

Check the online Multan To Lahore Trains Timings from here. Here Multan To Lahore Trains ticket price 2024 are also available. A total of 10 express trains currently run between Lahore and Multan every day. Rainy season for all trains from Lahore to Multan according to Pakistan Railways latest timetable. The name comes from the train that runs between Multan To Lahore. Awam Express, Badar Express, Jaffar Express, Karachi Express, Khyber Mail, Musa Pak Express, Pak Business Express, Shah Hussain Express, Shalimar Express, Tezgam Express.

Multan To Lahore Trains

The trains offer AC Economy seat Economy berth Air conditioner Business air conditioner Standard air conditioner class in its seats and birth with sleeping arrangements. It also provides good catering services. Its food and catering environment is purely hygienic.

Trains Timings Fare

Train NameDeparture TimeFares (Economy)Fares (AC Lower)Fares (AC Sleeper)Fares (AC Business)Travel Duration
Awam Express06:54 PMRs. 470Rs. 960N/aN/a6 hrs 10 min
Jaffar Express02:45 PMRs. 670Rs. 1,190Rs. 1,870Rs. 1,5205 hrs 15 min
Karachi Express05:05 PMRs. 610Rs. 1,040Rs. 2,060Rs. 1,5604 hrs 55 min
Shalimar Express06:05 AMRs. 560Rs. 990N/aRs. 1,3705 hrs 00 min
Tezgam01:55 PMRs. 490Rs. 1,000Rs. 1,870N/a5 hrs 25 min
Multan Express11:50 PMRs. 490Rs. 700N/aRs. 8904 hrs 55 min
Musa Pak Express04:05 PMRs. 490Rs. 730N/aRs. 8805 hrs 15 min
Khyber Mail07:55 AMRs. 490Rs. 990Rs. 1,870Rs. 1,2956 hrs 15 min

Awam Express Schedule & Fare

The Awam Express has Economy class, Ac standard class and Ac Business class. The Awam Express sets off from the Multan train station at precisely 6:55 in the evening. If you opt for the economy class, the ticket price for a journey from Multan to Lahore amounts to 470 Pakistani Rupees. On the other hand, if you decide to travel in greater comfort and choose the AC Lower Class on the Awam Express, the fare increases to 960 Pakistani Rupees for the same route from Multan to Lahore. So, depending on your budget and preference for travel amenities, you have these two options available for your journey.

Jaffar Express Schedule & Fare

The scheduled departure time for the Jaffar Express from Multan railway station is 2:45 PM. If you choose to travel in economy class from Multan to Lahore, the fare for this journey is set at 670 rupees. For a more comfortable journey, the AC Lower Class option from Lahore to Multan is available at a cost of 1190 rupees. If you opt for the AC sleeper class for your travel from Multan to Lahore, the fare is slightly higher, amounting to 1870 rupees.

Karachi Express Schedule & Fare

The Karachi Express train leaves from Multan railway station at 5:05 in the evening. If you want to travel in the AC Lower class from Multan to Lahore, the ticket will cost you 1040 rupees. For a more comfortable journey in the AC Sleeper class from Multan to Lahore, the ticket price is 2060 rupees. The Karachi Express is the fastest train to travel from Multan to Lahore.

Shalimar Express Train Fare & Timing

The Shalimar Express is a popular and reliable train offering comfortable travel between major cities. Its departure time is 06:05 AM, making it an ideal choice for early morning travelers. The train provides multiple classes to cater to passengers’ needs. The Economy Class fare is Rs. 560, providing an affordable option for budget travelers.

Railway Contact Details

  • Pakistan Railway Website:
  • Postal Address: 4th Floor, Block D Pak. Secretariat ยท Islamabad
  • Contact Number: 0092519218515

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