Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price 2025

Check online Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price from here. Here all train fares are available for the year 2025. Several trains operate daily between Lahore and Rahim Yar Khan (RYK). These trains include Allama Iqbal Express, Akbar Express, Awam Express, Farid Express, Khyber Mail, Pak Business Express, Shalimar Express, and Tezgam. They offer regular services, connecting the two cities for the convenience of passengers.


Economy class seat, Economy berth, Air conditioned class, AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower and A.C Sleeper. It offers quiet sleeping arrangements and separate seating areas. When you want to get soggy, you can turn the soggy passenger seat into a sleeping pad. All the trains have dining and catering environments and it is purely hygienic.

Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price 2024

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Ticket prices for all trains:

Alama Iqbal  900/- 1000Awam Express 900/- 1000/- 2100 Jafar Express 1150/- 1250/- 2600/- 2200/- 3450/- Kyber mail 800/- 900/- 2550/- 2000- 3500/- Pak business 1150/- 1250/- 3000/- 2250/- 4250 Shalimar Express 1100/- 1200/- 2650/- 2050/- 2300 Tezgam 950/- 1050/- 2600/- 2150/- 3750 Rupees respectively.

Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Akbar Express980/-1170/-2560/-2180/-— (Non A.C)
Allama Iqbal Express1000/-1200/-2500/-2190/-
Awam Express1000/-1200/-2700/-2200/-
Jaffar Express1250/-1350/-2800/-2400/-3550/-
Khyber Mail1000/-1000/-2750/-2200/-3600/-
Pak Business Express1350/-1450/-3200/-2450/-4450/-
Shalimar Express1300/-1400/-2850/-2250/-2500/- (Parlor)

Akbar Express Train Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Fare

The Akbar Express fare for economy class from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan is 980 rupees. The economy berth fare is 1170 rupees. The A.C business class of Akbar Express train costs rupees 2560 rupees from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan. Whereas Ac’s standard fare is rupees 2180 rupees for the Akbar Express train.

Allama Iqbal Express Train Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Fare

The Allama Iqbal Express fare for economy class from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan is 1000 rupees. The economy berth fare is 1200 rupees. The A.C business class of Allama Iqbal Express costs rupees 2500 rupees from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan. Whereas Ac’s standard fare is rupees 2190 rupees for the Allama Iqbal Express train. The Allama Iqbal Train is the fastest train that run from Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan.

Jaffar Express Train Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Fare

The Jaffar Express train fare for economy class from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan is 1250 rupees. The economy berth fare is 1350 rupees. The A.C business class of Jaffar Express costs rupees 2800 rupees from Lahore To Rahim Yar Khan. Whereas Ac’s standard fare is rupees 2400 rupees for the Jaffar Express train. The Jaffar Express train also has an Ac sleeper class with a fare of 3550 rupees. The Jaffar Express most comfortable class is the Ac Business class.

Pak Business Express Train Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan Fare

The price of a ticket for the Pak Business Express train from Lahore to Rahim Yar Khan depends on your chosen class. If you want to travel in economy class, it will cost you 1,350 rupees. If you prefer a sleeping berth in the economy class, the fare goes up to 14,350 rupees.

Railway Contact Details

  • Pakistan Railway Website:
  • Postal Address: 4th Floor, Block D Pak. Secretariat · Islamabad
  • Contact Number: 0092519218515

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