Lahore To Pakpattan Train Ticket Price 2025

Check online Lahore To Pakpattan Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. Here all train economy AC class ticket prices are available. Two trains leave from Pakpattan Station for various places across the nation. 38dn Fareed Express is one of the well-known trains that depart from the station. Pakistan Railways is in charge of all these trains.

Train schedules, live status updates, timetables, routes, and train numbers may all be found here.
Here, you can see the Pakpattan Express and departure times as well as the halting times and train data for all of Pakistan’s railway stations.

There is now only one express passenger train per day running between Lahore and Pakpattan. The Fareed Express is the name of this train.

Lahore To Pakpattan Train Ticket Price 2024

Lahore To Pakpattan Train Ticket Price

When traveling from Lahore to Pakpattan on the Fareed Express, you have different ticket options based on comfort and budget. An Economy Seat ticket costs 600 rupees, while an Economy Berth ticket, which allows you to lie down, costs 850 rupees. If you prefer more comfort, you can choose the Lower Class, which costs 1150 rupees. You can compare these classes and pick the one that suits you best. Reserving your ticket is easy, and you can do it for any of these classes whenever you plan your journey from Lahore to Pakpattan. This flexibility allows you to select the most suitable travel option based on your needs and preferences.

Fareed Express Train Fare

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthAC Lower
Fareed Express600/-850/-1150/-

The Fareed express train economy class fare is rupees 600 from Lahore to Pakpattan. The Ac lower class of Fareed Express costs rupees 1150. Whereas an economy berth costs rupees 850 from Lahore to Pakpattan.

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