Here in this article, we provide all the details related to the Lahore To Multan Train Ticket Price. Check all trains fare from here. Every day, there are 10 fast passenger trains traveling back and forth from Lahore to Multan. These trains have different names: Awam Express, Badar Express, Jaffar Express, Karachi Express, Khyber Mail, Musa Pak Express, Pak Business Express, Shah Hussain Express, Shalimar Express, and Tezgam Express.
Economy class seat, Economy berth, Air conditioned class, AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower and A.C Sleeper. It offers quiet sleeping arrangements and separate seating areas. When you want to get soggy, you can turn the soggy passenger seat into a sleeping pad. All the trains have dining and catering environments and it is purely hygienic.
Lahore To Multan Train Ticket Price:
- The economy seat and birth price for Awam Express is 450 rupees lower ac price is 960 rupees.
- The economy seat price for Jaffar Express is 630 rupees lower ac price is 1,190 rupees.
- Ac sleeper is 1,870 rs and Ac business price is 1,520 rs.
- The economy seat price for Karachi Express is 610 rupees lower ac price is 1040 rupees Ac sleeper price is 2060 rupees ac business price is 1520 rupees.
- Economy seat and birth price for Shalimar Express are 560 rupees lower ac price is 960 rupees and ac business price is 1340 rupees.
- Tezgam economy seat and birth price is 490 rupees lower ac price is 1000 rupees ac business price is 1870 rupees.
- Multan Express economy birth and seat price is 490 rupees lower ac price is 700 rupees and ac business price is 860 rupees.
- Musa Pak Express economy seat and birth price are 490 rupees lower Ac price is 700 rupees and Ac business price is 860 rupees respectively.

Multan To Lahore Trains Fare Economy, Ac, Ac Sleeper
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 1250/- | 1800/- | — | 3250/- | — |
Jaffar Express | 1150/- | 1800/- | 2250/- | 3350/- | 4250/- |
Karachi Express | 1250/- | 1850/- | 2300/- | 3450/- | 4350/- |
Khyber Mail | 1180/- | 1700/- | 2150/- | 3150/- | 4400/- |
Musa Pak Express | 1200/- | 1700/- | 2250/- | 3200/- | 4200/- (Parlor) |
Pak Business Express | 1190/- | 1850/- | 2100/- | 2250/- | 4250/- |
Shah Hussain Exp | 1210/- | 1850/- | 2150/- | 3250/- | 4350/- |
Shalimar Express | 1160/- | 1600/- | 2150/- | 3150/- | 4350/- (Parlor) |
Tezgam | 1150/- | 1800/- | 2200/- | 3400/- | 4600/- |
Lahore To Multan Train Timing
Train Name | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Travel Duration |
Awam Express | 18:40 | 01:00 | 6 hours 10 minutes |
Jaffar Express | 16:20 | 22:10 | 6 Hour |
Karachi Express | 17:00 | 21:40 | 5 Hour |
Khyber Mail | 07:40 | 13:25 | 5 Hour 30 Minutes |
Multan Express | 16:00 | 20:50 | 5 Hour 30 Minutes |
Musa Pak Express | 00:30 | 05:05 | 5 Hour 10 Minutes |
Shalimar Express | 06:00 | 10:50 | 3 Hour 50 Minutes |
Tezgam | 13:35 | 18:45 | 5 Hour 20 Minutes |
Railway Contact Information
- Karachi 021-99213598
- Peshawar 091-5273900
- Website