Lahore to Liaquatpur Train Timing & Ticket Price 2025

Here in this post, all the details about Lahore to Liaquatpur Train Timing & Ticket Price 2025 are available. Planning a journey from Lahore to Arifwala by train? We’ve got you covered with essential information about train timings and ticket prices. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or embarking on a new adventure, understanding the details can make your trip smoother.

Lahore to Liaquatpur Train Timing

To ensure you catch the right train, here are the departure and arrival timings for trains traveling from Lahore to Arifwala:

  1. Akbar Express
    • Departure Time: 5:00 PM
    • Arrival Time at Arifwala: 1:35 AM
  2. Awam Express
    • Departure Time: 6:55 PM
    • Arrival Time at Arifwala: 4:03 AM
  3. Khyber Mail
    • Departure Time: 7:50 AM
    • Arrival Time at Arifwala: 5:26 PM

Lahore To Arifwala Train Ticket Price

Lahore to Liaquatpur Train Timing & Ticket Price 2024

Train Ticket Prices

Train NameEconomyAC LowerAC SleeperAC Business
Akbar ExpressRs. 890Rs. 1,570Rs. 1,130Rs. 1,990
Awam ExpressRs. 820Rs. 1,470Rs. 2,630Rs. 1,995
Khyber MailRs. 880Rs. 1,470Rs. 2,750Rs. 1,890


  1. What are the departure and arrival times for trains from Lahore to Arifwala?
    • Trains like Akbar Express, Awam Express, and Khyber Mail have different departure and arrival times. Check the schedule for your preferred choice.
  2. How much does a train ticket from Lahore to Arifwala cost?
    • Ticket prices vary based on the class you choose. Economy, AC Lower, AC Sleeper, and AC Business classes have different fares for each train.
  3. Is it advisable to book train tickets in advance?
    • Yes, booking in advance is recommended to secure your seat and potentially get discounts on your Lahore to Arifwala train journey.
  4. What are some travel tips for the Lahore to Arifwala train journey?
    • Arrive early, check the train schedule, pack essentials like water and snacks, and choose a travel class that suits your budget and comfort preferences.

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