Initially, only a few trains and a few stops would be used to carry out the branding project, according to the minister of railways Khawaja Saad Rafique.
Speaking at a branding conference held in a nearby hotel, he said that some trains and specific railway stations would offer places for branding and that this effort will be gradually expanded throughout the entire system.
According to him, branding initiatives should be carried out so as not to impair aesthetic sensibility. He said that in the past, significant efforts had been made to launch a branding program within the railways and to utilize its facilities and trains for promotional and commercial objectives.
According to Khawaja Saad Rafique, those of us who identify as Pakistanis should work diligently to help the nation overcome its current problems.
He said that sincere individuals had been chosen to key positions in the railroads and that there was no political meddling within the organization, adding that not even the minister for the railways could influence its decisions.
He urged private enterprises to embrace the branding drive as a national cause and do their part to strengthen the railway since it would help them grow their businesses.
If we take a look at other nations, railroads significantly contribute to a nation’s economy, he remarked. The Minister stated that it would take two decades to turn around the railroads and added that an empty platitude would not get results.
“We will keep our morale high to boost the department,” he stated, despite the financial difficulties facing the railroads. According to Saad Rafique, efforts are being made to launch the Main Line-1 project in a financially feasible state following cost reduction.
According to him, railways sought to advance with the assistance of the business sector and in consideration of expert views.
The minister for railroads stated that the nation has great potential and that efforts needed to be done in the proper direction to produce the desired outcomes.
In response to a question, he stated that all installation safety requirements will be decided, adding that both the department and the corporation involved in branding had a part to play. He declared: “To effectively protect installations, we must also educate visitors.” He responded to a different question by stating that railways planned to launch a branding strategy within 60 days.
He added that railways had been granted permission to commercially use their property for a specific amount of time and that this authority related to the exploitation of real estate.
As far as branding was concerned, he claimed there was no prohibition.
In response to a query, he stated that maintaining consistency in policies was crucial for streamlining the operations of government agencies.