Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

Here in this post, all the details are available for Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024. Are you thinking about traveling from Faisalabad to Khanewal by train? If so, we’ve got all the important details you require regarding train schedules and ticket costs. This information will help you effectively plan your journey without any hassles.

Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price

Now, let’s delve into the ticket prices for these trains. It’s important to note that the prices can vary based on the class of travel. Below are the ticket prices for different classes on each train:

Akbar Express

  • 1040/- (Economy Class)
  • 1080/- (AC Lower)
  • 1590/- (AC Sleeper)
  • 1255/- (AC Business)

Millat Express

  • 750/- (Economy Class)
  • 820/- (AC Lower)
  • 1440/- (AC Sleeper)
  • 1070/- (AC Business)

Pakistan Express

  • 730/- (Economy Class)
  • 790/- (AC Lower)
  • 1455/- (AC Sleeper)
  • 1080/- (AC Business)

Shalimar Express

  • 725/- (Economy Class)
  • 785/- (AC Lower)
  • 1460/- (AC Sleeper)
  • 1070/- (AC Business)
  • 2200/- (AC Luxury)

Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2024

Train Timings

Here are the times for trains from Faisalabad to Khanewal.

  1. Akbar Express
    • Departure Time: 7:20 PM
    • Arrival Time: 10:20 PM
  2. Pakistan Express
    • Departure Time: 1:30 PM
    • Arrival Time: 4:20 PM
  3. Millat Express
    • Departure Time: 3:35 PM
    • Arrival Time: 6:25 PM
  4. Karakoram Express
    • Departure Time: 6:10 PM
    • Arrival Time: 8:35 PM

Bahawalpur to Gujrat Train Timing


Going from Faisalabad to Khanewal by train is easy and cheap. Know the train times and ticket prices to plan your trip well. Whether you want comfort or a low-cost option, there’s something for everyone. Book your tickets early for a nice train ride from Faisalabad to Khanewal.

1. What are the departure and arrival times for the Akbar Express from Faisalabad to Khanewal?

Akbar Express departs from Faisalabad at 7:20 PM and arrives in Khanewal at 10:20 PM.

2. How much does a ticket for the Millat Express cost for the Faisalabad to Khanewal route?

The ticket prices for Millat Express vary, starting from 750/- for Economy Class.

3. Can I book an AC Luxury class ticket for Shalimar Express from Faisalabad to Khanewal?

Yes, you can. Shalimar Express offers an AC Luxury class ticket priced at 2200/-.

4. When does the Pakistan Express depart from Faisalabad to reach Khanewal?

Pakistan Express leaves Faisalabad at 1:30 PM and reaches Khanewal at 4:20 PM.

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