Check all the details about Bahawalpur To Rahim Yar Khan Train Timing from here. Check all train’s Ticket Prices for 2025. Planning a train trip from Bahawalpur to Rahim Yar Khan in 2025? Make sure you’re aware of the train timings to ensure a smooth travel experience. This guide provides all the information you need about the train schedules for this route.
Bahawalpur To Rahim Yar Khan Train Timing
- Akbar Express:
- Departure Time: 12:15 AM
- Arrival Time: 3:03 AM
- Allama Iqbal Express:
- Departure Time: 7:15 PM
- Arrival Time: 9:45 PM
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 2:45 AM
- Arrival Time: 5:40 AM
- Bahauddin Zakria Express:
- Departure Time: 5:55 PM
- Arrival Time: 8:50 PM
- Tezgam:
- Departure Time: 8:55 PM
- Arrival Time: 11:20 PM
- Shalimar Express:
- Departure Time: 12:45 PM
- Arrival Time: 3:15 PM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 6:55 PM
- Arrival Time: 9:23 PM
- Pak Business Express:
- Departure Time: 9:25 PM
- Arrival Time: 11:38 PM
- Millat Express:
- Departure Time: 8:25 PM
- Arrival Time: 10:41 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 3:55 PM
- Arrival Time: 6:52 PM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 9:45 PM
- Arrival Time: 12:05 AM
Ticket Prices:
Here are the ticket prices for different classes on the mentioned trains:
- Akbar Express:
- Economy Seat: Not Available
- Economy Berth: Not Available
- A.C Business: Not Available
- A.C Standard: Not Available
- A.C Sleeper: Not Available (Non AC)
- Allama Iqbal Express:
- Economy Seat: 730/-
- Economy Berth: 780/-
- A.C Business: Not Available
- A.C Standard: Not Available
- A.C Sleeper: Not Available
- Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 780/-
- Economy Berth: 780/-
- A.C Business: Not Available
- A.C Standard: 1270/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not Available
- Bahauddin Zakria Express:
- Economy Seat: 790/-
- Economy Berth: 780/-
- A.C Business: 1480/-
- A.C Standard: 1290/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not Available
- Jaffar Express:
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1050/-
- A.C Business: 1550/-
- A.C Standard: 1400/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2300/-
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: 700/-
- Economy Berth: 750/-
- A.C Business: 1450/-
- A.C Standard: 1250/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2200/-
Bahawalpur To Okara Train Timing

1. What are the departure and arrival times for the Akbar Express from Bahawalpur to Rahim Yar Khan in 2024?
- Akbar Express departs at 12:15 AM and arrives at 3:03 AM.
2. How much does an economy seat ticket cost for the Jaffar Express on this route?
- An economy seat on Jaffar Express costs 1050/-.
3. Are there air-conditioned sleeper options available on the Awam Express?
- No, Awam Express does not offer air-conditioned sleeper options.
4. Can I get real-time updates on train timings and ticket prices for Bahawalpur to Rahim Yar Khan routes?
- For real-time updates, it is recommended to check with the railway authorities or the station directly for the latest information.