Check the online Faisalabad To Bahawalpur Train Ticket Price from here. Check all Trains Timing for the year 2025. Traveling from Faisalabad to Bahawalpur by train? Here are the train timings for 2025 to help you plan your journey smoothly. The Akbar Express is the fastest train that travels from Faisalabad to Bahawalpur.
Faisalabad To Bahawalpur Train Ticket Price
Planning your budget for the journey? Here are the ticket prices for different classes on these trains:
- Akbar Express:
- Economy Seat: 1080/-
- Economy Berth: 1190/-
- A.C Business: 2955/-
- A.C Standard: 2255/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not available (Non A.C)
- Millat Express:
- Economy Seat: 1055/-
- Economy Berth: 1105/-
- A.C Business: 2855/-
- A.C Standard: 1850/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not available
- Karakoram Express:
- Economy Seat: 1480/-
- Economy Berth: 1510/-
- A.C Business: 2990/-
- A.C Standard: 2150/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not available
- Shalimar Express:
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1120/-
- A.C Business: 2820/-
- A.C Standard: 1850/-
- A.C Sleeper: 3720/-
- Sir Syed Express:
- Economy Seat: 1100/-
- Economy Berth: 1150/-
- A.C Business: 3000/-
- A.C Standard: 1600/-
- A.C Sleeper: 3000/-
- Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: 1050/-
- Economy Berth: 1100/-
- A.C Business: 2840/-
- A.C Standard: 1880/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not available
- Rehman Baba Express:
- Economy Seat: 1090/-
- Economy Berth: 1120/-
- A.C Business: 2810/-
- A.C Standard: 1870/-
Bahawalpur To Rahim Yar Khan Train Timing
Train Timings
- Akbar Express
- Departure Time: 7:25 PM
- Arrival Time at Bahawalpur: 12:18 AM
- Shalimar Express
- Departure Time: 8:18 AM
- Arrival Time at Bahawalpur: 12:55 PM
- Pakistan Express
- Departure Time: 1:40 PM
- Arrival Time at Bahawalpur: 6:58 PM
- Millat Express
- Departure Time: 3:38 PM
- Arrival Time at Bahawalpur: 8:28 PM