Until recently, WhatsApp’s Windows and Mac apps just used the web version in an Electron shell, without a separate desktop client. Think of it as giving the online version a glossy plastic wrapping and calling it “WhatsApp Desktop.”
The native Windows version, which is now accessible to everyone, offers greater functionality and a far better appearance than the previous version. This all changed, however, last year.
The app’s macOS native version has previously been put through beta testing. It was once only accessible to TestFlight participants, however, as of right now, macOS Big Sur and newer versions may be downloaded by anybody on the official website.
The native version should perform better than the old Electron version on Mac hardware in terms of speed and efficiency.
It should be noted that this version is still in its infancy and could have bugs. If you want to try it out for yourself, you may download it from WhatsApp’s official website.
The native version of WhatsApp for macOS was created by the WhatsApp development team using Apple’s Mac Catalyst framework. The framework is designed to make it simpler for programmers to create apps that work on both iPad and macOS.
This is unexpected given that there isn’t now a WhatsApp app for the iPad; instead, users must utilise the website. As the software moves past the beta stage, it’s feasible that this will alter in the future.