Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee 2 August 2023

The exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal (SAR) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) on August 2, 2023 is recorded as Rs. 76.64. The aforementioned value represents the interbank rate observed at the commencement of the current business day, and is subject to variation contingent upon the prevailing demand for the respective foreign currency within the market.

Please ensure to refer to the closing exchange rate for the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) to the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) at the conclusion of the business day, as reported by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

In the open market, the exchange rate between the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) typically tends to be slightly higher compared to the interbank rate offered by banks when customers engage in foreign currency transactions. Additionally, it is worth noting that all incoming remittances to customers’ bank accounts are credited based on interbank rates.

Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan (SAR to PKR) Today

On 2 August 2023, at the commencement of the business day, the exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal (SAR) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) stood at Rs. 76.64. Nevertheless, the aforementioned item will be revised to include the concluding exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal and PKR in the interbank market once the conclusion of the day’s business activities.

Closing Interbank Rate

Furthermore, the current interbank exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal and the Pakistani Rupee in Pakistan on August 2, 2023, may be observed in the table provided below. Please note that this information is updated at the conclusion of the business day. Furthermore, the data also includes the valuation change (in Pakistani Rupees) relative to the preceding day.

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