Sadiqabad to Chichawatni Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025

In this post, all the details related to the Sadiqabad to Chichawatni Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. Daily, four trains travel from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni. The names of these trains are Allama Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Khyber Mail & Jaffar Express. All these trains are managed by the Ministry of Pakistan Railway.

Sadiqabad to Chichawatni Train Timing

Allama Iqbal Express

The Allama Iqbal Express Departure time from Sadiqabad railway station is 11:00 PM. The Train reached its destination at 06:20 AM the next day.

Awam Express

The departure time of Awam Express from Sadiqabad railway station is 06:10 PM. The Awam Express reached Chichawatni station at 1:50 AM.

Khyber Mail

Khyber Mail also Runs between Sadiqabad & Chichawatni. The Khyber Mail departure time from Sadiqabad Junction is 07:30 AM. While the arrival time at Chichawatni Junction for Khyber Mail is 03:15 PM.

Jaffar Express

The Jaffar Express is a night train. The train departure time from Sadiqabad station is at 09:30 PM. The Jaffar Express reached its destination at Chichawatni station at 04:10 AM.


Sadiqabad to Chichawatni Train Ticket Price

Allama Iqbal Express

The Allama Iqbal Express Economy class ticket price is rupees 950 from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni. The Ac Lower class of Allama Iqbal Express costs rupees 1450. If you want to travel in Ac Business Class then you have to pay 2350 rupees from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni.

Awam Express

The Awam Express has only two classes. AC lower Class and Economy class. The Ac lower class Awam Express ticket price from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni is 1350 rupees. While the Economy class is cheaper than the AC lower class. The ticket for one person from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni is rupees 960 rupees.

Khyber Mail

In the Khyber Mail, the Ac Business class is the most comfortable train. The cost of the ticket is rupees 2390 rupees from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni. The economy class costs only rupees 760 rupees. The Khyber Mail Ac Lower Class costs rupees 1160 rupees from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni. The Ac sleeper class is cheaper than the Ac Business class. The Khyber Mail Ac sleeper class ticket is rupees 2090 rupees.

Jaffar Express

The Ac business class of Jaffar Express costs rupees 2600 from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni. The Economy class ticket price is rupees 890. Jaffar Express Ac sleeper class ticket price from Sadiqabad to Chichawatni is rupees 2310.

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