Check the online Rawalpindi To Hyderabad Train Ticket Price from here. Check all trains TimeTable for the year 2025. If you’re planning a journey from Rawalpindi to Hyderabad by train in 2025, it’s essential to have information about ticket prices and options. Let’s take a closer look at the ticket prices for various trains, making your travel planning smoother.
Rawalpindi To Hyderabad Train Ticket Price Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 2400/-
- Economy Birth: 2500/-
- A.C Business: N/A
- A.C Standard: 5600/-
- A.C Sleeper: N/A
Rawalpindi To Hyderabad Train Ticket Price Green Express Train:
- Economy Seat: 2850/-
- Economy Birth: 2950/-
- A.C Business: 7750/-
- A.C Standard: N/A
- A.C Sleeper: N/A
Khyber Mail Fare RWP To HYD
- Economy Seat: 2400/-
- Economy Birth: 2500/-
- A.C Business: 6400/-
- A.C Standard: 5600/-
- A.C Sleeper: 8750/-
Pakistan Express Fare Rwp To HYD
- Economy Seat: 2350/-
- Economy Birth: 2450/-
- A.C Business: 6400/-
- A.C Standard: 4950/-
- A.C Sleeper: N/A
Hazara Express Fare
- Economy Seat: 2400/-
- Economy Birth: 2500/-
- A.C Business: N/A
- A.C Standard: 5400/-
- A.C Sleeper: N/A
Rehman Baba Express Train Fare
- Economy Seat: 2400/-
- Economy Birth: 2500/-
- A.C Business: 7550/-
- A.C Standard: 6250/-
- A.C Sleeper: N/A
Sir Syed Express Train Fare
- Economy Seat: 3050/-
- Economy Birth: 3150/-
- A.C Business: 6800/-
- A.C Standard: N/A
- A.C Sleeper: 9200/-
Tezgam Train Ticket Price
- Economy Seat: 3050/-
- Economy Birth: 3150/-
- A.C Business: 6800/-
- A.C Standard: 5300/-
- A.C Sleeper: 9250/-
Green Line Express Train Ticket Price
- Economy Seat: 3700/-
- Economy Berth: 3800/-
- A.C Business: 9050/-
- A.C Standard: 7200/-
- Parlor Car: 8100/-
Rawalpindi To Hyderabad Train Train Schedule:
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 1:05 PM
- Destination Arrival Time: 3:00 PM
- Tezgam:
- Departure Time: 8:00 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 7:15 AM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 6:00 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 4:25 AM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 1:50 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 2:30 AM
- Green Line:
- Departure Time: 3:40 PM
- Destination Arrival Time: 10:25 AM
Having these details at your fingertips can help you plan your journey efficiently, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience. Safe travels!
Lahore To Sialkot Train Ticket Price

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