Check all the Okara To Chichawatni Train Ticket Fare details from here. Here train Timings are also available. Many passenger trains travel from Okara To Chichawatni daily. Here the fare of each train is available.
Awam Express, Allama Iqbal Express Jaffar Express, Khyber Mail, and Tezgam are the trains that travel between Okara & Chichawatni daily. You can check Economy class seats, Economy birth, Air conditioned class, AC Business, A.C Standard, A.C Lower, and A.C Sleeper class fare karya from here.
Okara To Chichawatni Train Ticket Fare
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 300/- | 350/- | — | 500/- | — |
Allama Iqbal Express | 400/- | 550/- | — | — | — |
Jaffar Express | 450/- | 500/- | 750/- | 600/- | 850/- |
Khyber Mail | 400/- | 550/- | 700/- | 800/- | 1000/- |
Tezgam | 450/- | 500/- | 750/- | 600/- | 850/- |
Awam Express Fare
Allama Iqbal Express
Jaffar Express
The ticket fare for Jaffar Express for economy seats from Okara to Chichawatni is Rupees 450. While the Ac standard class of Jaffar Express from Okara to Chichawatni costs Rupees 600. Whereas the Ac Sleeper class of Jaffar Express costs Rupees 850 from Chichawatni to Okara.
Okara To Chichawatni Train Timings
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Allama Iqbal Express | 2:20 PM | 3:45 PM |
Awam Express | 9:10 PM | 10:35 PM |
Tezgam | 3:55 PM | 5:13 PM |
Khyber Mail | 10:25 AM | 11:46 AM |
Jaffar Express | 4:55 PM | 6:04 PM |
Please visit the Official Website of the Railway For up-to-date timings.
Pakistan Railway Contact Details
Company Name | Pakistan Railway |
Website | |
Contact Number | +924299201665. |
Address | Station Rd, Railway Colony, Faisalabad, Punjab |