Check the online Multan To Wazirabad Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2025 from here. Preparing for a train journey from Multan to Wazirabad? It’s sure to be an exciting adventure! We’ve simplified your planning by compiling the schedules and prices for popular trains on this route.
Multan to Wazirabad Train Ticket Price
- Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 1260/-
- Economy Birth: 1340/-
- A.C. Business: —
- A.C. Standard: 2280/-
- A.C. Sleeper: —
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: 1290/-
- Economy Birth: 1340/-
- A.C. Business: 3290/-
- A.C. Standard: 2260/-
- A.C. Sleeper: 4430/-
- Jaffar Express:
- Economy Seat: 1610/-
- Economy Birth: 1680/-
- A.C. Business: 3390/-
- A.C. Standard: 2380/-
- A.C. Sleeper: 4830/-
- Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: 1140/-
- Economy Birth: 1155/-
- A.C. Business: 2950/-
- A.C. Standard: 2140/-
- A.C. Sleeper: —
- Tezgam Express:
- Economy Seat: 1690/-
- Economy Birth: 1650/-
- A.C. Business: 3380/-
- A.C. Standard: 2350/-
- A.C. Sleeper: 4840/-

Train Timings
Before we explore ticket prices, let’s quickly check the departure and arrival times for trains that run between Multan and Wazirabad:
- Awam Express:
- Departure: 11:30 PM
- Arrival: 8:15 AM
- Tezgam:
- Departure: 7:15 AM
- Arrival: 2:50 PM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure: 2:50 AM
- Arrival: 10:40 AM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure: 12:59 PM
- Arrival: 9:55 PM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure: 2:20 AM
- Arrival: 10:10 AM
Bahawalpur To Nawabshah Train Timing
Now that you have this detailed guide to Multan to Wazirabad train schedules and ticket prices, planning your journey is easy. Whether you’re on a budget or prefer a more luxurious ride, these options cater to various preferences.
- What are the departure and arrival times for Tezgam Express from Multan to Wazirabad?
- Tezgam Express departs from Multan at 7:15 AM and arrives in Wazirabad at 2:50 PM.
- How much does an Economy Seat ticket cost for Awam Express?
- The ticket price for an Economy Seat on Awam Express is 1260/-.
- Is there an A.C. Sleeper option for Jaffar Express on the Multan to Wazirabad route?
- No, Jaffar Express does not offer an A.C. Sleeper option on this route.
- What is the departure time for Khyber Mail from Multan to Wazirabad?
- Khyber Mail departs from Multan at 12:59 PM for its journey to Wazirabad.
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