Check the online Multan To Okara Train Ticket Price from here. Here all the details related to Train Timing 2025 are available. Exploring cities in Pakistan becomes hassle-free and budget-friendly when you choose to travel by train. For those gearing up for a journey from Multan to Okara in 2025, understanding the train ticket prices and schedules is crucial.
Multan To Okara Train Ticket Price (2025):
1. Awam Express:
Economy Seat: 700/-
Economy Berth: 750/-
A.C Business: N/A
A.C Standard: 1250/-
A.C Sleeper: N/A
2. Jaffar Express:
Economy Seat: 1000/-
Economy Berth: 1050/-
A.C Business: 1750/-
A.C Standard: 1400/-
A.C Sleeper: 2500/-
3. Khyber Mail:
Economy Seat: 700/-
Economy Berth: 750/-
A.C Business: 1650/-
A.C Standard: 1250/-
A.C Sleeper: 2300/-
4. Musa Pak Express:
Economy Seat: 650/-
Economy Berth: 700/-
A.C Business: 1150/-
A.C Standard: 1000/-
A.C Sleeper (Parlor): 1200/-
5. Tezgam:
Economy Seat: 1000/-
Economy Berth: 1050/-
A.C Business: 1750/-
A.C Standard: 1400/-
A.C Sleeper: 2500/-

Train Timings (2024):
1. Awam Express:
Departure Time: 11:30 PM
Arrival Time: 3:10 AM
2. Multan Express:
Departure Time: 4:10 PM
Arrival Time: 6:45 PM
3. Tezgam:
Departure Time: 7:15 AM
Arrival Time: 10:15 AM
4. Khyber Mail:
Departure Time: 12:55 PM
Arrival Time: 4:35 PM
5. Jaffar Express:
Departure Time: 2:25 AM
Arrival Time: 5:20 AM
Knowing the train ticket prices and timings is crucial for planning a smooth and efficient journey. Whether you prefer a comfortable A.C. Standard class or an economical Economy Seat, the information provided above will help you make informed decisions for your travel from Multan to Okara in 2025. Always check for the latest updates and book your tickets in advance for a hassle-free experience.
Multan to Chichawatni Train Timing