Check online Lahore To Peshawar Train Ticket Price from here. Here Economy class, AC Business, and AC sleeper fare details are available. There are a total of three trains that travel from Lahore to Peshawar. The name of these trains is Awam Express, Khyber Mail & Jaffar Express.
Awami Express’s full fare ticket price for economy class seats is Rupees. 500/-. While economy class birth costs 550/. Jaffar Express Ac Business class ticket price is 2750 rupees The economy birth ticket price for Jaffar Express is 1650 rupees. The Khyber Mail Ac business class fare from Lahore to Peshawar is 2600 rupees. Whereas Ac Sleeper price tickets from Peshawar to Lahore for Khyber mail train are 3750 rupees.

Lahore To Peshawar Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 1950/- | 1800/- | — | 2950/- | — |
Jaffar Express | 1500/- | 1650/- | 2750/- | 2950/- | 4200/- |
Khyber Mail | 1950/- | 1800/- | 2600/- | 2950/- | 3750/- |
Awam Express Lahore To Peshawar Fare
Jaffar Express Lahore To Peshawar Fare
The Jaffar express fare from Lahore to Peshawar for the economy seat is 1550 rupees. While the Ac sleeper class of Jaffar express fare is 4200 rupees from Lahore to Peshawar. If you want to travel in Ac Business class, then you have to pay 5300 rupees from Lahore to Peshawar.
Lahore To Peshawar Trains Departure Time:
Train Name | Departure time |
Awam Express | 6:25 AM |
Khyber Mail | 7:20 PM |
Jaffar Express | 8:00 AM |