According to the most recent Pakistan Railways timetable, here are all of the train schedule details from Lahore to Multan. 10 express passenger trains run daily between Lahore and Multan as of now. Rain timings for all trains on the most recent Pakistan Railway timetable from Lahore to Multan. Trains traveling between Lahore and Multan are identified by their names.
From Lahore to Multan, there are several express trains: the Awam Express, Badar Express, Jaffar Express, Karachi Express, Khyber Mail, Musa Pak Express, Pak Business Express, Shah Hussain Express, Shalimar Express, and Tezgam Express. All classes of trains’ complete timetables, stop details, ticket costs, and tariff information. You may find out how long it took a train to get from Lahore to Multan by looking at the information on this page. On all weekdays, the time that trains leave the Lahore railway station and the times that they arrive at the Multan city railway station. You can use this page to find the best train for your trip from Lahore to Multan.
Popular Pakistani train travel runs from Lahore to Multan. On Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 10 trains are running between Lahore and Multan.
Attock to Gujranwala Train Timing
The fastest train between Lahore and Multan is the Pak Business Express. Good trains to take to get from Lahore to Multan are Musa Pak Express and Shalimar Express. Each train has a unique schedule, and to view the ticket price, click on fare. You can purchase a train ticket at a railway station, or a railway ticket office, online through the Pakistan Railway website, or via the Pak Rail mobile app.

Lahore To Multan Train Timing 2024
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 650/- | 800/- | — | 1250/- | — |
Jaffar Express | 850/- | 800/- | 1650/- | 1350/- | 2250/- |
Karachi Express | 950/- | 850/- | 1800/- | 1450/- | 2850/- |
Khyber Mail | 650/- | 700/- | 1550/- | 1150/- | 2400/- |
Musa Pak Express | 650/- | 700/- | 950/- | 800/- | 1200/- (Parlor) |
Pak Business Express | 800/- | 950/- | 1700/- | 1250/- | 2950/- |
Shah Hussain Exp | 700/- | 950/- | 1850/- | 1250/- | 2750/- |
Shalimar Express | 650/- | 900/- | 1850/- | 1150/- | 1650/- (Parlor) |
Tezgam | 550/- | 800/- | 1700/- | 1400/- | 2500/- |
Railway Contact Details
Postal Address | Iqbal Road, Committee Chowk, Rawalpindi |
Phone Number | +92519218515 |
Website | |