Lahore To Faisalabad Train Ticket Price 2025

Check online Lahore To Faisalabad Train Ticket Price for the year 2025 from here. Check all train fare details from this post. Faisalabad, which is the third-largest city in Pakistan, is currently inhabited by 3.2 million individuals. Due to its large population, many people commute daily from Lahore to Faisalabad. In this city, trains are commonly chosen as a preferred means of transportation.

Numerous express and passenger trains go along various Pakistani railway routes from Lahore to Faisalabad. Varied classes have different ticket prices and rail fares. Daily trains between Lahore and Faisalabad include the Akbar Express, Badar Express, Ghouri Express, Karakoram Express, Faisal Express, Shalimar Express, and Shah Hussain Express Night Coach. According to the most recent fare table published by Pakistan Railway, these are the train fare details for express passenger trains running between Lahore and Faisalabad.

Lahore To Faisalabad Train Ticket Price 2024

Lahore To Faisalabad Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BirthA.C BusinessA.C StandardA.C Sleeper
Badar Express700/-750/-N/AN/AN/A
Akbar Express700/-850/-1350/-N/AN/A
Karakoram Express650/-700/-1350/-650/-N/A
Shah Hussain Express650/-700/-1350/-750/-1550/

Traveling between Lahore and Faisalabad by train offers multiple options to suit your budget and preferences. For affordable journeys, the Badar Express provides economy-class seating at a fare of just 700 rupees, making it a convenient choice for regular commuters.

If you want added comfort, the Akbar Express offers AC Business Class for 1350 rupees, ideal for those who value a premium travel experience. For passengers who prefer a balance between comfort and affordability, the Karakoram Express provides AC Standard Class seating at a fare of 650 rupees, which is both economical and comfortable. Similarly, the Shah Hussain Express caters to economy travelers at 650 rupees per seat, while its AC Business Class fare is 1350 rupees, offering an upgraded experience.

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